Chapter 177: Fighting the Mistress till You Go Crazy

"You knew too?" Ning Yanan gaped, putting down her cup, "But the media has captured them more than once. They appear to be really close. I wonder what Miss Meng is thinking. Isn't she challenging you outright by speaking up for Jin Chenye at this time?"

"..." Qin Youxuan was stunned, looking up at Ning Yanan.

"Don't blame me for talking too much. Honestly, I'm not too clear about your relationship with Meng Ziqi. But your public falling out with Jin Chenye is widely known. Surely you're aware that her openly going around with Jin Chenye means she's chosen sides?"

"They're probably just friends..." Qin Youxuan furrowed her eyebrows, her voice sounding unsure.

Shaking her head, "Moreover, whatever they're doing is none of my concern. Right now, I just want to get out of here. I can't stand this place anymore!"

Qin Youxuan turned her frustrated gaze to the two bodyguards standing at the villa's main gate.