Chapter 218: Stay Here and Reflect

After her initial shock, Qin Youxuan gradually calmed down.

After a week of defending herself, she knew very well that no one would believe her words.

She had been pinning her hopes on the unconscious Meng Ziqi, waiting for her to regain consciousness and prove her innocence.

She never would've expected things to turn out this way.

Suppose Meng Ziqi died, she would still have a chance of winning the case due to the principles of presumption of innocence and insufficient evidence.

Now that Meng Ziqi was awake, with both eyewitnesses and material evidence, her charge of murder would definitely hold up in court.

Qin Youxuan's legs gave away, and she fell to the ground, her eyes staring blankly ahead...

A shadow cast over her.

Qin Youxuan hesitated, then lifted her head.

As her gaze met the shadow before her, her body trembled.

Jin Chenye.

He had finally come.