Chapter 235: Where Did It Go Wrong?

"She confessed and even offended you. It seems you wanted her to stick to her story, to solidify your guilt and send you to prison."

"o(╯□╰)o... "

Is that what she meant?

What puzzled her was that Meng Ziqi confessed under the coercion of Dan Hanjie, but what she recreated was the real crime scene.

Such repeated confessions, could Jin Chenye really have harbored no doubts?

If he harbored even a sliver of suspicion, he wouldn't have so insistently blamed her for hurting Jin Lan.

Where did things go wrong...

"Still thinking?" Dan Hanjie's brow furrowed, holding her face unhappily.

Unusually, Qin Youxuan didn't bat away his hand, but retreated a bit, tilting her head in confusion.

"No, you forget, I told you before – I saw with my own eyes that Jin Lan was acting off that day. She's hated me for longer than I've hated her yet I refrained from attacking her, she wouldn't randomly want to strangle me barehanded..."

The more Qin Youxuan thought, the more it felt wrong.