Chapter 302: I Will Be Here from Now On


Qin Youxuan cautiously watched him for a few seconds, confirming that there was no excess emotion in his eyes, before slowly moving towards him.

Dan Hanjie reached out and pulled her into his arms.

"Sleep, I'm here." His magnetic voice carried a subtle hint of indulgence, his long fingers stroked her slightly red eyes, and he lightly placed a kiss on her forehead.


Qin Youxuan felt a pang in her heart, and her throat suddenly choked up.

She lowered her gaze silently.

He knew it all.

She had been kicked out of her home...

"Dan Hanjie, was your dad good to you?"


Dan Hanjie froze, and looked down at her unexpectedly.

"I just don't understand, isn't it said that every child is brought into this world by God, and they are all the treasures of their parents… why is my dad different."
