Chapter 345 We Are Already Married

"It's all nonsense! Yu'er is calm and understanding. I have never seen a woman who respects manners and rules more than her. Those reports are all unfounded speculations. You should not believe a single word!"

Qin Mo shouted passionately.

"It's me. I failed to fulfill my promise to her. I caused her to be dishonoured even in her death. I owe her an apology…" Qin Mo's voice choked. His old eyes filled with regret.

He slowly bowed his head towards Qin Youxuan.

"So, what the newspaper said is true. I am really not your biological daughter..." Qin Youxuan's body went limp.

Jin Chenye stepped forward, just about to reach out to support her when a tall figure swiftly stepped in. He swept her into his arms before Jin Chenye could touch Qin Youxuan.

"You are not siblings anymore. Stop feigning concern!" Dan Hanjie raised his cold eyes, slanting a glance at Jin Chenye, whose arm had been frozen mid-air. His wicked eyes were narrowed, radiating a chilling air.