Chapter 423: Did You Have Someone Do This?

Outside of the clothing store.

A slender figure skulks about.

Unaware of Qin Youxuan inside the store, Meng Ziqi carefully surveys her surroundings, ensuring there are no reporters before slipping into the boutique.

She's wearing a face mask that conceals her identity.

Paired with large sunglasses, nearly all her facial features are obscured, but Qin Youxuan recognizes her immediately.

Not for anything else, but once upon a time they were good friends.

But that was the past.

The once proud heiress of the Meng family is now so humble, even a simple stroll through the streets requires careful avoidance of the media.

The leaked photos are enough to bury her social reputation for the rest of her life.

Surely, this punishment is enough.

Qin Youxuan even feels that it's crueler than killing her.

"This dress suits you. Do you want to try it on?" Jin Chenye picks out a slim-fitting princess dress from a line of new clothes and walks over to Qin Youxuan.