Chapter 468 Hanjie Dan Has Returned

Slowly, a hand emerged from the bottom of the swimming pool, gripping a long bamboo pole...

Qin Youxuan instinctively began to back up, intending to yell for help when she suddenly smelled a strange aroma. Her vision went black and then she fell into the swimming pool...


By the time the butler and others found this area, the pool had returned to its peaceful state.

On the surface of the water, there were no ripples.

A gentle breeze blew by, stirring up fleeting waves.

"We have looked everywhere in the front yard, no trace of Miss."

"Same in the back yard, we found nothing."

"We thoroughly searched every room and found nothing..."

Groups of people gathered back in the hall, having been declared unsuccessful.

"How could a living person just vanish like this? You must not have searched thoroughly enough. Search again, don't miss out on any place. We have to find Miss!"

The butler stood in the hall, his old face full of worry.