Chapter 487: Wanting a Child

"What did you say?"

Jin Chenye was taken aback, about to press for more details, when the door of the sick room was pushed open.

The attending physician walked in with the test results.

"How is my baby?"

Upon seeing the doctor, Qin Youxuan put everything out of her mind, only wanting to know if the baby in her belly was okay.

She must have been mad to have run out in the rain...

"Miss Qin, we have conducted a thorough examination on you. You are not pregnant." The doctor flipped through the final report, asserting with certainty.


Qin Youxuan was completely stunned, disbelief etched on her face, "Impossible! How could I not be pregnant!"

"I've been feeling nauseous and wanting to vomit recently. Moreover, when I was with my husband, we never took any contraceptive measures. Also, my period has been delayed for almost a month..."

Qin Youxuan asked agitatedly, her hands tightly clenching the bedsheet.