Chapter 527: I Have Finally Found You!

"This is my first time too. But, if you don't mind, when my friend comes out, I can take you to the service area first. There will be staff who can help you find your friend."

Qin Youxuan thought for a moment and softly answered,

"Thank you."

"It's nothing," Qin Youxuan replied with a small smile, finding herself unable to resist taking a few extra glances at the woman standing before her, with her distinctive Western-style beauty.

Rui Hui, a very Chinese name.

Yet her features lean more toward Western sensuality.

She must be mixed race.

Qin Youxuan added silently to herself.

After waiting for quite some time, Ning Yanan still hadn't come out, and Rui Hui, standing nearby, was looking increasingly anxious, but was too polite to hurry her.

"I'll go check on her."

Qin Youxuan knocked twice on the door, but received no response.

She pushed the door, which she found unlocked, only to discover the dressing room was now empty.

"Your friend probably left first."