Chapter 614: A Duel with Disparate Strengths

Qin Youxuan pointed at a distant cherry blossom tree, setting it as the landmark.

"The target is by the small river. Whoever gets there first wins, okay?" Seeing Da Bai's nod, Qin Youxuan didn't care if he really understood, and immediately set off running.

After a few steps, she looked back and, sure enough, Da Bai was standing still, watching her.

It wasn't until Qin Youxuan reached the cherry blossom tree that they had agreed upon, that Da Bai turned to glance at Dan Hanjie, then sprinted after her at his nod of approval.

Despite the two hundred meters' distance, it only took Da Bai a dozen seconds to catch up with Qin Youxuan, who was running ahead.

"I can't play anymore, I can't outrun you, I'm exhausted..."

Qin Youxuan looked at Da Bai who had just bolted past her, supported herself against the nearby cherry blossom trees while panting heavily.

Why was she trying to outrun a snow wolf?

She was simply asking for trouble.