Chapter 623: Your Arrogance is Growing

"I'll go by myself."

Dan Hanjie's lips curled into a cold smirk as he began to walk in.

"Mr. Jie!" The bodyguard quickly followed and blocked his way. "The master instructed that I escort you personally..."

Before the bodyguard could finish his sentence, he was silenced by Dan Hanjie's frosty gaze.

Embarrassed, he shut his mouth.

Dan Hanjie's eyes narrowed as he continued walking.

Despite the lengthy distance, he walked at a measured pace.

With a leisurely stride, he moved confidently and gracefully.

Half an hour later, he finally reached the main hall.

Before he could appreciate the masterpieces collected from around the world, a deep voice echoed from the direction of the stairwell.

"Your arrogance is growing, isn't it? You are now expecting this old man to greet you, is that right?"

Appearing debonair in a white suit, Dan Yi descended the stairs, offering a jesting smile.

In his mid-fifties but maintained well, he appeared to be in his early forties.