Chapter 638: You had better be psychologically prepared

Yao raised his hand, pointing at the emergency light that had already been turned off.


Everyone's attention was instantly drawn to the door of the operating room.

Ning Yanan quickly rose from her chair, she had been bending her knees for too long, and her body wobbled. She steadied herself against the wall.

Qin Youxuan also got up from Dan Hanjie's arms and walked to the door of the operating room.

Soon, the doctor emerged from inside.

Everyone inhaled sharply, waiting for the doctor to speak.

"The operation was successful, and the bullet has been removed. However, the patient's lung has been penetrated, and the brain has been starved of oxygen for too long. We have sent him to the ICU. Whether he will regain consciousness depends on the next twenty-four hours. You should prepare yourselves for any outcome."

The doctor removed his mask, speaking succinctly.

Upon hearing this, Ning Yanan's legs became weak, she could hardly stand.