"Her Smile"

"What you can’t say owns you, what you hide controls you"


I opened my eyes and realized that my life wasn’t the same anymore, I wake up finding myself inside this big and elegant room which is what I used to dream of, thinking about it makes me smile but I cut my self from that thought realizing that things may not be as good as I dreamed of.

I can still feel this feeling of indifference, especially dealing with Victoria!...sigh!

I manage to stand up and I’m amazed at the coziness of this room, all the furniture seems expensive and so I restrain myself from touching them, I change my clothes and wear some shorts and a simple shirt like my usual attire at the house.

I try to get out of the room looking for food since my stomach has been rambling in hunger ever since I open my eyes.

Upon getting into the kitchen I saw Victoria’s head maid fixing food for breakfast and so I offer my help but she stops me.

“It’s okay, I am not used to be served, I instead used to dealing with the kitchen and doing some house chores so just let me help,” I said.

"I am sorry Miss, but Ms. Victoria commanded us not to let you do things that will harm you or exhaust you” she responded.

I guess I don’t have a choice but to follow the rules or else I will be doomed by Victoria!

I instead sit at the dining table to eat and when I saw the food I feel like I want to eat them all, though, I notice that Victoria is not yet here to eat so I ask the head maid.

"Hmmm…can I ask where your boss is? It is actually breakfasted time.” I said.

She just looks at me first before she speaks.

“She already at the office, Ms. Victoria stops eating breakfast since the death of Don Manolo,” she said then pointed to the big picture hanged at the center area of the house, it’s the image of an old man, must be her father.

"Is he her father?" I ask and again she just looks at me seriously before she responds.

"No, he is Ms. Victoria’s husband," she said that shocks my whole system! I mean he looks old to be her husband!

"What!??? Are you serious? I mean no offense meant but isn’t he is old for her?” I said.

“Yes Miss, it is indeed true, it's normal now, we can all marry whoever we want, you should know better since you’re still young,” she said and I get that, well how would I know, NBSB…that is who I am NO BOYFRIEND SINCE BIRTH! Hmmmmfff...

“Well….that’s the case, I never been into any relationship since….birth…maybe my appearance isn’t worth it,” I said with a red face especially when she laughs at me!

“Hahaha, I didn’t know you have that humor, Miss, though I need to correct that, appearance is not important, it’s always within, and besides you are indeed pretty,” she said that somehow boost my confidence.

“Thank you, well, even I wanted to, I am not allowed to have any boyfriend or else Victoria will kill me!” I exclaimed.

“Oh yes, you are the accidental bearer of the heir or heiress of the Montecarlo,” she said and I am surprised she knows it well I guess Victoria already treats her as a family.

We talk a lot about other things, and I enjoyed it over breakfast, I even invite other maids to eat with us, at first they refuse but since I have this convincing power, we all eat together.

After breakfast, I get bored since all I am allowed to do is either lie down, watch TV, digging on my phone, and roamed my eyes at every part of this house!

Then I start to walk around the house to ease my boredom until I get to the bottom of the hallway on the second floor, my curiosity pushes me to open the door, and when I hold the knob…

“What are you doing here…?” Victoria suddenly appears at my back that shocked me.

"Ahem...well, I already see every part of this house and it still makes me a little bored and this is the only room I didn’t visit yet,” I said while controlling my fear.

"Let me clear this to you, first of all, you are neither a visitor here nor a special guest to just do what you want! Second, when I told you to rest and make yourself comfortable, you are supposed to follow it since you are being paid..!!!!” she shouts then heads her way to her room before I can even respond.

Seriously she is really getting on my nerves! If I won’t control myself one thing is for sure she will get what she deserves!!

While in the middle of a thought and was about to go back to my room, she suddenly screams in anger.

"Who enters my room….!!!?? I keep on telling everyone not to mess with my room especially if I didn’t say so! Where is my red dress that I left on my bed?????” she said in so much anger.

I can hear her footsteps getting out of her room walking towards me.

"You… You are the one who enters my room right? I don’t know if you are deaf or some kind of idiot who doesn’t even understand the word RULES!!! This is the problem dealing with the people who never got any degree, simple rules can’t understand how stupid!!! “She said that makes me anger out of the insult she throws on me.

“Wow!! The way you insult me makes me feel like you are great! Are you? Huh! I don’t think you are, you know what..

We are just the same, I am poor but I have a degree and I earned it! Unlike you! You just act like you are a Respectful person even you’re not! Marrying an old man? Really? Is it love? Or greedy wanting to have money for your own sake!!! “I angrily respond.

"What? How dare you!!! You don't know what I have been through!! You don’t know the sacrifice I did just to get what I want! Yes I may do something that is not appropriate but I never hurt or kill someone!! “ she said with fierce eyes, it is so scary, it chills me within, then out of her anger she holds tight my arms and squeezes them, I try to fight and tell her that it hurts but she didn’t mind instead she pushes me until I hit my behind on the ground and I can’t even move.

The head maid help me to stand but I couldn’t move, I feel heavy on my down under, Suddenly I feel like there is something in my shorts, I saw the blood stain and scared for the safety of my baby….Oh God, please make my baby safe!

She was about to go when the head maid call her

"Victoria! Hurry Anna is bleeding!" the head maid shouts at her and she suddenly walks towards me and holds my waist, I didn’t know she still cares for me or maybe for her baby…

Few tests and the doctor talk to us, she reminds Victoria that my condition is not okay and as much as possible do not give me stress, I look at her trying to tell her that she is indeed the cause of my stress!

The doctor said there is no problem with my pregnancy but my condition as of now is not good, though she already head us home and so Victoria guide me until I get to the car, I feel chills for no reason and so I hugged myself but I was surprised when Victoria takes off of her blazer and put it into me then give me bottled water to drink.

"You heard the doctor, you should listen to her to just relax and make yourself comfortable instead of fuzzing other people’s things!” she said.

I didn’t say any words instead I lean my back and relax and I suddenly fell asleep.

I woke up inside my room and found a basket of fruits and bread, I was about to stand and check on it when the head maid came.

“Ms. Anna, are you feeling better now? I brought you some milk and cupcake” she said.

"Wow thank you! I love it!" I responded

"Say your thanks to Ms. Victoria, she was the one who said to bring you the milk she even made it for you as well as the cupcake that she bakes,” the head maid said that surprised me.

I can’t believe it until she actually knocks on my door and the head maid left us.

"Hey, are you okay now? You need to eat well and just relax, tomorrow we will go to church, no need for special attire just simple attire will do" she said while I am eating her cupcake, I don’t know why, but it really suits my taste until I caught her looking at me while smiling.

"ahm, ahehe well this cupcake is really good! I mean even a box if this wouldn’t be enough for me" I said while enjoying myself eating the cupcake.

I can see the surprise on her face with what I said, suddenly she walks towards me from leaning back to the wall with cross arms until sitting on my bed with her eyes staring at me, then suddenly her hand moves and quietly wipe the bread crams from my mouth.

I don’t know but I suddenly felt something within me, especially when she wiped my lips with her thumb, I feel the heat surrounds my body and when she smiles, it makes me feel happy, she really looks like an angel in my eyes now..

I was surprised when I caught her looking at my lips, I try to act normal but I couldn’t, her gestures make me feel something that I never felt before, still, I can’t entertain this kind of gesture and so I turn away my gaze on her.

I guess she notices that I am a little uncomfortable with her gesture and act and so she quickly stands up and distances herself from me.

"After you eat, you better go to sleep, we will be going early tomorrow, early mass is what I want, so get up and don’t make me wait for you tomorrow,” she said in a very low voice.

She heads her way out of my room, and when she already outside, I close the door and shout of myself, I mean

“I don’t know what is happening to me?” I asked myself. “Why do I feel the awkwardness of what she did?”


“Maybe it is the baby. My pregnancy is affecting my behavior towards Victoria because it’s her baby.”

I try to calm my mind and body because this day is one of a tiring day for me and my baby.

“Baby, be good in my tummy okay? Your Mommy Victoria is a very busy woman that’s why she’s been irritable lately and always pissed and always frowning and has a very soft face and very gentle and good eyes and red lips and…..…..wait what I am saying, baby? Erase of that thought,” I don’t know what is on my mind but I feel happy talking to the baby in my tummy. It gives me a sense of peace.

“You like you’re Mommy Victoria a lot baby. We will not bring any trouble to her, okay baby?” I said talking to my baby while rubbing my belly though it isn’t that big yet

I feel relieved while talking to my baby. For a while, I am forgetting all my thoughts on my mind. This baby is my

therapy to Victoria’s presence.

Though about her gesture to me earlier, I can see that there is still some kindness within her, she is really mean to what I can see but I guess something is within her that no one can see....damn! now I am profiling! great Anna!

She gets on my nerves but seeing her smile a while ago makes me comfortable though I am not sure if we can now be friends.....aaaarrggghhhhh!! that is impossible Anna! gosh! I guess I am losing my mind now, I am having a mixed emotion! haaaiiisst!

I even search her social media account and I have learned that she is the daughter of a multi-millionaire couple, but why? why does she need to marry an old man? yes, I am being judgemental again...but I know I make sense, things have always reason especially a not-so-normal situation, even about that stupid room. she even hurt me coz of that!

What's really inside that room? does she hides something there?, Gosh I am being nosy again,

I am in the middle of arguing within my thoughts when my phone vibrates, I check on it and my eyes were buried on it...

Damn....she texted me..

"Hey, about earlier, I know I was being too much, I have a lot going on and so I can control myself, I just want to apologize for what I did, I have this kind of attitude that I don't like others messing up my room, and that isolated room, it is my husbands' room, I mean our room, so please try to understand, just make yourself comfortable, I can't let anything bad happen to my child so please Anna, 10 months, just bear with me within this time.. anyway, have a goodnight sleep, we will be early tomorrow" - Victoria

I was surprised seeing her messages, I just responded with an emoji to her, well, I hated her for what she did, Still, I can't erase those lovely smiles that she gave me....it is genuine I can feel it as well as her apology.

I’m feeling the heaviness of my eyes and slowly my eyes are closing while seeing Victoria’s face on my mind and it made me smile. I’m happy to see her smile.