First Day of School

Ari and Shin were strolling to the school after the whole fiasco happened. They walked in the front and looked at the board that showed rankings of students as Ari and Shin looked at each other and Hi-fived as a certain stuck-up rich kid put his hand on Ari's shoulder and said "Move it blind boy" as he tried to push him out of the way as Ari punched him center-mass probably fracturing a rib and got a notification.

(I know that this is mixed around from the original story but, it just made more sense for me to put it after for 'Character Development')

[Haki +1 level]

Ari was trying to hold in his laughter as Kurt was fuming with anger as another rich kid popped out of nowhere but, wasn't as rude. "Sorry for that, that was Kurt von Ritzburg, but I am August von Earlshide, but my friends call me Aug" as this came out of his mouth Shin was processing the information and said "wait a minute if your Last name is Earlshide that means you are related to Uncle Dis, so that means we are cousins" as he was ecstatic to meet someone with some familiarity to them. Shin and Aug were talking to each other as the onlookers were confused as to why Shin was being so casual with Prince August, while Maria and Sicily were watching from a distance.

Shin was very sad that he had to give a speech but, not as Much as Ari who not only couldn't stand in front of a crowd and was horrible at public speaking, Had to explain why he was blindfolded as he still doesn't have the skill to hide his Demonoid Aura as the system still didn't classify him strong enough to defeat his captors from his early new life. Ari and Shin both headed back to their home as tomorrow is the day they have to give a speech as Ari was preparing and only got 2 hours of sleep without using [Sleep Magice] so he only got +8 to all stats.

(Next Day)

Ari woke up and stumbled around the house like a ghoul as he was way too tired for it as Shin got ready 2 minutes before him and they both headed out the door and got in a carriage with Merlin and Melida. 2 minutes after Shin and Ari got out of the cart first as they were surrounded by people and couldn't do anything as they pushed through the crowd.

The announcements for the ceremony were underway as Shin and Ari were called up to the podium to give a speech as they both tied on all of the tests both magical. The last at the podium said, "Now for our best student or in case of this year, students that have scored the top on all of the exams. . . Shin and Ari Wolford." The crowd's eyes widened as Maria and Sicily's eyes widened and the crowd started applauding. [Insert Generic Speech here] (won't bore you to death with a boring speech)

Shin and Ari were exhausted after the speech and were strolling to class and walked in and saw August von Earlshide Maria von Messina Sizilien von Claude Alice Corner Thor von Flegel Lynn Hughes Yuri Carlton Tony Freed and Julius von Littenheim as they all took turns introducing themselves. The teacher then walked in and said "Hello class I'm your teacher and role call" he then said every name and then continued to talk "Anyway one question really quickly, why are you wearing a blindfold in school can you not see? as he said this Ari heard the system ring out

{Overrideing Host control..... Overridden}

[System Entering Promo Codes]

[SP reduced to -20 000]

[Item Gained; Bloodline purification skill {Use?}]

[Demonoid ---> Demon; Demonic Aura Suppressed, Eyes reverted to normal but, instead, 1 eye is glowing red, and the other Glowing Blue]

[Fire Affinity Increased Greatly]

As the system finished this long list, the teacher strolled up as he wasn't answering and undid the blindfold as Shin got ready to stand up and fight. The entire building started shaking... The amount of mana coming out of Ari was immense to the point where it started cracking the floor as he quickly controlled it as everyone in the classroom breathed a sigh of relief from the mana pressure as they were awestruck by the 2 glowing eyes staring at them as Ari said "Sorry about that I didn't learn to control my mana properly he said as he smiled slightly as the system told him he gained [Presence Reduction] Skill.

It was the classic first day of school, 1 easy lesson and getting used to the school. Then the teacher said, "As a student here you have to join a study group, there is the Attack Magic Study Group, The Quality of Life Study Group, and the Body Language Study group" as this was said Ari was thinking about which one he should join as one of the other students were talking amongst themselves as Aug said "I have an Idea why not start your own?" the teacher continued "Ah, a study group started by Shin, huh that would be interesting." as Aug rebutted "It would be interesting to see what kind of study group he would start as Ari was still just standing there. as Lyn said, "Yeah that's a good idea" as every other student in S-Class said that they'd join except for Ari. "Teacher? what does it take to start a study group?" the teacher responded "Well, five or members and a faculty advisor, then just submit a request form and you can start one, and I'd be willing to be the faculty advisor" as Maria said, "well if you're going to be taking her home then it would make sense for Sicily to join too!"

As that was said Ari was confused on when these arrangements happened as he was with Shin the entire time as Ari realized today is the day Demonoid Kurt would appear and attack Shin. Then the name ideas started flying as Alice said, "how about the Hero study group, where you tell us about Merlin and Melida!" as the teacher said, "unfortunately there is already a study group for that... it's just not that popular..." then Lyn out of nowhere says "How about the Ultimate Magic Study Group!" then Shin responded "Come on, you're killing me Lyn" as Aug said, "Yeah, The Ultimate Magic Study group would be perfect for you Shin!" as Alice said "The Ultimate Magic Study Group sounds Super-Duper" as the teacher said, "Can you guys decide after class?"

Everyone was talking when Shin said, "What happened to Kurt?" Aug then continued, "He's been grounded, His father contacted the school this morning" as Shin questioned, "Why does Kurt have that Attitude?" Aug then explained how he's been like that ever since he visited Professor Schtroms Lab in middle school. Then it was time for Lunch. Shin then told everyone in S-Class of his completely 'normal' exploits, like hunting a demon bear. Sizillian said some embarrassing things when they were talking but Ari was still wondering why the system randomly helped him out. Ari then decided to join the Ultimate Magic Study Group as they were walking Aug said "There is a Study Group orientation in the afternoon" As Alice Replied "But we already decided to join the Ultimate Magic Study Group" as Yuri said, "It a waste of time to tell us about study groups that we have no intention of joining"

As this was said, both Shin and Ari froze for a second for different reasons Shin froze due to hearing the as Shin said "Kurt!" as Kurt stumbled out of the woods mumbling to himself, as he fired a fireball towards Shin. As used a Magic barrier as Ari just walked through the barrier freezing the oxygen in the fire freezing the fire completely and shattering it as Aug said, "that was attempted murder, he was positively trying to kill us"


Name: Ari (Derrick)

Race: Demon (Evolvable)

HP 500/500

MP 24250/25000 (+200 MP/S)

Level 1; 0/100 XP


Strength: 215

Dexterity: 230

Intelligence: 420

Agility: 200

Charisma: 190

Luck: Infinite

Overall Ranking: High-King Stage


Mana Manipulation Lvl 45/Infinite

Elemental Affinity Lvl 25/Infinite

Cooking Lvl 16/infinite

Hiten Mitsurugi-Ryu Lvl 10/Infinite

Identify Lvl 35/Infinite

Haki Lvl 69/infinite

Uechi-Ryu Lvl 10/infinite

Spell Casting Lvl 110/Infinite

Super-Growth 2/infinite

Sleep Magic 2/infinite
