Side Story 044 How Can I Move You?

Mu Cidian looked at Wan Quan.

He studied her extreme and furious state.

He said, "You should rest well, I don't want to argue with you over these things."

"What do you mean you don't want to argue with me, Mu Cidian? You must choose between me and Xin Zaozao now," she demanded.

"Mom," his tone was cold, "avoiding an argument with you doesn't mean that I'm backing down; rather, it's because I do not want to exhaust all my feelings towards you!"

Wan Quan glared at Mu Cidian.

"You rest now." He turned and sat on the couch nearby.

He did not leave, but he certainly would not be the one to engage in a conversation.

Wan Quan, still steaming, held back from arguing with Mu Cidian.

She clearly understood that even if she were to lay on her deathbed, Mu Cidian would not sever ties with Xin Zaozao.

She must find an alternate plan.

For the following few days, Wan Quan no longer caused a fuss.

Though she still kept her displeasure with Mu Cidian quite apparent.