Upon seeing Yun Yao's unusual expression, Su Junxin froze halfway through reaching for a juice box.

A sense of unease suddenly welled up in her heart, and she quickly approached him, asking, "Is there something wrong with me?"

Yun Yao's gaze was fixed on the display screen of the device in his hand. He tilted his head and muttered something to himself. When he saw her peering over to look, he immediately stowed the device away in his pocket.

Seeing this, Su Junxin narrowed her eyes suspiciously, "Yun Yao, why won't you let me see?"

Yun Yao didn't answer, but instead looked her up and down, nodding his head thoughtfully.

After a moment, he drew out his words with a mysterious tone, "Just as I thought - you're hiding many secrets."

Su Junxin was taken aback at this, but quickly hid her surprise, raising an eyebrow casually. She shrugged it off, pretending not to care, "Everyone has their own little secrets. It's nothing special."