||° The Song of Deborah and Barak

First, Deborah! First!

Go ahead and sing!

First, Barak, son of Abinoam,

take your captives!

Then the faithful remnant went to their chief men;

the people of the Lord come near to him, ready for battle.

From Ephraim they went out into the field,

following the tribe of Benjamin.

From Machir and Zebulun

the chiefs and the officers went.

And the princes of Issachar came with Deborah.

Yes, Issachar and Barak came.

But the tribe of Reuben was divided;

and did not go.

Why do they stay with the sheep?

To hear the shepherds calling the sheep?

Yes, Reuben's family disagreed and did not go.

On the east side of the Jordan will be the tribe of Gad

and the tribe of Dan shall remain in the ships.

The tribe of Asher will also live on the coast.

But the people of Naphtali and Zebulun lived in it

their lives were on the battlefield.

In Tanac, by the river Magido,

the kings of Canaan came and fought

but they got no money. From heaven the stars fought;

they crossed the heavens and fought against Sisera. The river Kishon flooded and washed them away.

I will run, with power!

Then the horses ran

and their feet hit the ground.

"Cursed be Meroz," said the angel of the Lord.

"Cursed be the people who live there, for they have not come to help the Lord and to fight for him. "

Jael, the wife of Heber the Kenite,

is more fortunate for women living in tents.

Sisera asked for water but milk he gave in the beautiful bowl.

Then he took the hammer in one hand

and the tent peg on the other side;

he struck it on the head of Sisera

and it pierced — and smashed his head.

Sisera fell down and fell at Jael's feet,

he sighed without breathing.

The mother of Sisera stood at a window in the gate

chose and looked,

"Why hasn't his carriage arrived yet?

Why are his horses coming back so long? "

His wisest princesses answered

and to himself he says,

"They are only looking for things that they want to seize and divide—

one or two women for each soldier,

expensive clothing for Sisera

and embroidered cloth for the queen's neck. "

Therefore, O Lord, destroy all thine enemies

and may your friends shine like the rising sun!

Then the country was at peace for 40 years.