Chapter 7: Birthday Party

In a few hours, the party was already in full swing. Shu Li, the darling princess of the Wei Family, made a grand entrance in an off shoulder royal blue Christian Dior ball gown that was covered with diamonds and swarovski crystals. Her hair was arranged in an elegant chignon updo showing her bare swan-like neck. Her ears were decked with 6 carat teardrop earrings and on her left wrist is the diamond bracelet Miyeon had gifted.

Miyeon had accompanied Shu Li to greet and toast some close friends and family members. After an hour or so of small talk Miyeon decided to excuse herself and went to one of the balconies to rest. Shu Li's brother Suhan had informed her of a secret spot known only to a few that they escape too when they get tired of all the socializing.

She was very thankful to be introduced as Shu Li's best friend from Cambridge. Giving no mention to her family name was a tacit understanding between the parties that Miyeon is not part of a noble family or of high society in general. Guests tend to assume that she was British Asian who has moved to Y City for professional work. Her existence in this party was accepted since she is a special guest of the Wei Family, one of the top noble families in Y City. Still she was dressed in haute couture and coupled with her beautiful appearance and elegant comportment, so it was quite difficult to find fault with Miyeon. It was all thanks to Shu Li of course she had taken Miyeon to many such gatherings back in the UK while also providing her with the outfits and accessories for each event. This party was exceptionally lively due to the appearance of Lu Minzhe who was part of the 3 prestigious families in Y city. In fact, the Lu Family can be said to lead the rest of the noble families.

Miyeon is especially keen to leave before Lu Minzhe offers his toast to Shu Li. She has a feeling things might get too troublesome otherwise. No matter how the attendees do not mind her presence in this banquet, once someone like Lu Minzhe gives attention to people of the opposite sex, they will usually get unwanted critical stares and judgements. It can be especially annoying if one doesn't have any intention of attracting his attention in the first place much less having any notion to date him. Shu Li who has had her grip on Miyeon's arm finally relented to give Miyeon a breather after introducing her to several groups of people.

The newly escaped Miyeon who hasn't been in the mood to socialize since the morning, happily seated herself to the soft outdoor sofa on the balcony. There was an outdoor heater as well as a table of refreshments. The servants in the Wei household had outdone themselves. 'I should thank Auntie and Uncle Shen.' she thought happily. They are marvelous as lead housekeepers of such a large estate. Already slightly tipsy from the champagne, she planned to stay for a while to sober up. She took out her phone to play some matches in Arena of Valor and happily passed time in this manner. Thinking she would be alone, Miyeon had taken off her heels and positioned herself cross legged on the couch with her toes occasionally peeking out of her pink tulle dress. She also didn't bother to mute her phone as she did her 5v5 battle. The sounds were not loud but audible in the quiet and small space. She was so preoccupied with having her mage attack the enemy's tower that she didn't notice another presence in the balcony.

Lu Minzhe is currently at a loss. He had followed Suhan's advice to find a quiet respite from the party. It can be said that his popularity rivals that of the birthday girl so Minzhe hasn't had the time to relax at all since arriving at the Wei mansion directly from his business trip in France. When his meeting got postponed, the Wei elders convinced him to stay instead.

After more than an hour of fending off eager aunties flaunting their single daughters and uncles excited to discuss potential business relationships, Minzhe was ready to get some fresh air. He was rather disappointed at being unable to make a toast with Miyeon whom he thought would be with Shu Li.

On the bright side, now they have been officially introduced, it will be easier to have more 'chance encounters' in the future. The corners of his lips quirked up at the thought as he entered through balcony doors. It took him only a few seconds to recognize the other person on the balcony. Minzhe noticed that Miyeon was thoroughly engrossed in her game and was cutely mumbling a few words here and there about needing healing from the support character. He wanted to take a closer look and sit on the sofa next to her but at the same time he felt it would be quite ungentlemanly of him not to announce his presence.

So, he took a few steps forward and gave a small cough. He was met with silence. Minzhe could see Miyeon's toes wiggling as her brows furrowed in concentration. She looked so childishly cute right now which was completely unlike the detached yet graceful character during their previous encounters. He couldn't help but let out a small laugh at this sight in front of him. At that precise moment, he made a decision in his heart. There are things that just cannot be observed from afar.

Miyeon who finally found something amiss after hearing what seems to be laughter in this private space looked up. 'Gasp!' A pair of peach blossom eyes met with a pair of phoenix eyes. Her eyes widened in surprise as his curved into crescents.