Chapter 15: Stay for Dinner?

Perhaps Lu Minzhe was still feeling apologetic about the earlier incident, he was more obedient at the supermarket allowing Miyeon to lead while he followed behind pushing the shopping cart. It is quite a sight to see the well dressed and extremely good looking CEO Lu quietly accompanying an equally attractive and elegant young lady.

The supermarket was massive and contained an extensive array of products. Everything is of excellent quality and is expensively priced. Miyeon took her time shopping intending to purchase at least two weeks worth of groceries.

Having a car is truly convenient. However, since Miyeon learned how to drive in the UK, she was quite alarmed at the difference in driving style here in C Country. If she had to put it plainly, driving in C Country is like a battle, cars don't seem to adhere to regular traffic rules and etiquette unlike in the UK. She shivered at the thought of commuting to work by car. As expected she prefers to take public transportation.

Lu Minzhe watched as Miyeon carefully looked at the organic produce before making her selections and his lips unconsciously quirk up to a smile. In reality, Lu Minzhe thought Miyeon seemed a little too thin and felt that she may not have been eating well. So, when he had found that she didn't have any food at her apartment, he had shamelessly invited himself over to bring her grocery shopping. But the fact of the matter is he also had never purchased his own groceries in his life, resulting in that embarrassing blunder earlier. "Urgh, why didn't I think to ask Secretary Qin what was the closest supermart to her address?! It's like my IQ drops several points when I am with her.' Lu Minzhe internally lamented.' 'Miyeon is still the same as back then, she's still as direct as ever. It seems like fate that she ended up meeting and befriending Shu Li in the UK. The person I want to protect ended up taking care of my little sister. ' Lu Minzhe chuckled as he reminisced. He didn't realize that he had already remained rooted on his spot for a good 5 mins until he felt a light tap on his arm.

"Mr Lu, are you alright?" a soft feminine voice asked. Lu Minzhe snapped out of his reverie to find Miyeon staring up at him anxiously.

"You've been standing there for the past 5 minutes. You wouldn't respond when I called you."

'More importantly, his expressions keep alternating between states of anxiety and happiness. It's kind of weirding me out to be honest. I need to finish this grocery run ASAP.' Miyeon decided.

"Ah yes. I am fine. Sorry, I just had something on my mind. By the way, what did you call me?" asked Lu Minzhe.

"... Minzhe-ge" Seriously, this man has some sort of obsession over being called gege.

"Ah. If that is so alright. Though I thought I heard something else." Lu Minzhe smiled knowingly.

"... I just need to pick up some meat and we can check-out." Miyeon decided it is best to change the topic.

At about 7pm, the two finally exited the supermarket with several bags of groceries. After loading the bags into the trunk, Miyeon turned to Lu Minzhe and attempted to speak. She seemed to be weighing something in her mind and Lu Minzhe just watched her intently not rushing her to speak. After a few minutes, Miyeon finally decided, "Minzhe-Ge, if you are free, would you like to stay for dinner?"

Lu Minzhe's fixed gaze on Miyeon did not waver as his eyes curved and he smiled irresistibly.