Chapter 19: He likes Irene?!

"Do you think this one looks better or this one?" Jesse asked Rich as he stood in front of the mirror in their luxury penthouse apartment. He was only clad in blue denim jeans and had been debating between a white V-neck shirt and a navy blue button down shirt for the past 10 minutes.

"It's lunch. You're not getting married. Just choose one." Rich answered bluntly as he lay on the couch while watching TV.

"Hmm, Irene really likes white. I think I'll go with this one." Jesse said out loud. In the corner of his eye, Jesse saw Rich roll his eyes in response.

"I just want to look nice. It's our first lunch in two years." Jesse explained.

"I get it." Rich answered with a chuckle. Yet, he continued in a more serious tone, "But if you're serious about her, you gotta ask her out. You think a girl like that will stay single forever?"

"I'm surprised she doesn't have a bunch of guys hovering over her. Either Stella is doing a damn fine job keeping them at bay or you're just hella lucky. I swear, you must've saved a country in your past life." (Rich)

"This time for sure. You need to make a move, mate. If you miss your chance, don't regret it later." (Rich)

"I know. I will." Jesse solemnly said as he listened to his best friend's rant. 'Who do you think this past 2 years was for? Making something of myself, so I can confidently stand in front of her as myself and not as the heir of the Evans Family.' Jesse whispered internally.

"To be in love with the same girl for 7 years. Jesse, you're really something else." Rich said out loud with a sigh.


At The Table in Y City, District 1~

Jesse had arrived 15 minutes early and got a table by the window. He was dressed in plain white tee, blue denim jeans, and white sneakers. Staring off at the distance, Jesse was unaware of the stares and attention currently directed at him. He carelessly brushed his hair with his fingers as he read a text from Irene saying she was walking over from the station. He recalled what Rich said about making a move or losing the chance and thought of that time.



Jesse had known Irene for two years by then, they had gradually become friends. Irene was well known as a campus belle but she had always rejected any confession from both men and women. On the other hand, Jesse had dated several women and has had occasional hookups but his relationships always ended in a breakup. After a while, he would realize that the feelings he had for his exes were just temporary physical attraction and not love; that's why it always fizzles out by 3 months. At first, he didn't particularly care since he was young and had no interest in being in a serious relationship. All that changed when he met Irene. Jesse fell quick and hard.

But Irene treated him as a good friend and he couldn't bear the thought of losing that friendship. Irene had become too much of a special existence in his life. So, he didn't confess his feelings and found comfort in the thought that Irene had no intention of dating anyone. That was how he spent his days in Cambridge.

Until one day during their spring break, he saw Irene walking arm in arm with another man whilst he was on a jog at Hyde Park. The man was attractive and appeared to be half brit-half asian. He looked like he was in his late 20s and was clad in a bespoke suit. Jesse watched as Irene and the man laughed together as they walked. They appeared to be in deep conversation and didn't notice their surroundings. Then after several minutes Jesse saw the man lean in to kiss Irene as he helped her into his car.

Jesse felt a painful throbbing in his heart and his ears could only hear the muffled sounds of the passersby and the traffic. He didn't even know how he got home that day. 'Irene had a boyfriend? Did she prefer older men? Is that why she rejected everyone who asked her out?' these questions kept running through his mind.

That night when the group met up at their usual haunt at the Monarch, a popular lounge in Chelsea, Jesse was in a dismal mood, intending to drown his sorrows with alcohol. After a few drinks, Stella could no longer temper her curiosity. "Hey, what's wrong with you?" she asked.

"Take it easy sugar. My mate just got his heart broken." said Rich.

"For realz? Who was that amazing lady that dumped you? I cannot believe it. You have a track record of breaking girls hearts. All your relationships have a time limit of 3 months max." Stella offhandedly said with a laugh. However sensing that her friend Jesse seemed seriously depressed her complexion softened slightly.

"What happened?" Stella asked more kindly this time.

"Wait. Jesse, I thought you liked Irene." interjected Anissa who had just come back with drinks and gotten wind of the tail end of the conversation.

"He what!? Jesse likes Irene!? MY IRENE?" Stella exclaimed.

"Woah! Calm down there sugar! And yes he's hella into YOUR Irene." answered Rich.

"I knew it." Anissa said with a satisfied nod.

"Wait. Since when?" Stella asked confused.

"Since the fashion show…" "From when they first met…" Anissa and Rich said in unison.

"Oh my god! Bloody hell guys! Why am I the only one in the dark?" Stella asked affronted.

"Come on. Jesse was pretty obvious." Rich explained.

"Mm.. He really was." Anissa agreed.

"He would even stutter when talking to her." Rich laughed as he recalled that breakfast at ANNA's.

"Well, shit! I just found out something big. I need a drink now." (Stella)

"Here take a sip of this babe." (Anissa)

The entire time, the subject of their conversation had his head bowed and remained in a somber mood. Finally Jesse raised his head to ask, "Guys, why didn't you tell me Irene had a boyfriend."

"Ah?! Irene doesn't have a boyfriend! Don't you think I'd be the first to know? I'm her best friend. " Stella quickly refuted.

"I saw them together. They looked happy." Jesse said obstinately.

"Who was together?" Anissa kindly inquired as she patted Jesse's back in an effort to console him.

"Irene she was with a man. They walked arm in arm." Jesse said sadly, his eyes reddening.

"Wait, when and where was this?" Stella demanded.

"Today at Mayfair, Hyde Park." Jesse answered almost in tears.

"Was that man perhaps a halfie and a little older with brown hair wearing a suit?" (Stella)

"Yeah! How did you know!?" (Jesse)

"Of course I know. That's my cousin!" (Stella)

"Damn. Irene is dating your cousin!?" (Rich)

"No! It's not like that. Ugh. That cousin of mine broke up with a girl recently. But that girl didnt want to end the relationship and kept bothering him. So he asked Irene for a favor - if she could pose as his girlfriend. To show the ex that he's moved on with someone better. They were just play-acting." (Stella)

"But, but I saw them kiss.." Jesse countered looking confused.

"No way! That's impossible. I told him no skinship past handholding and hugs are allowed. They were probably playing with angles. Hold on let me text my cousin to confirm." Stella strongly repudiated.

"Babe, you sound like Irene's guardian." (Anissa)

"I'm here protector! Do you know how many men with lewd thoughts try to approach her everyday?" Stella proclaimed.

"Hmmm I can imagine that. Irene's quite attractive." (Rich)

"I agree." (Anissa)

"Her face is my type. I actually wanted to ask her out at first." Rich admitted.

"Oi back off, Rich! Irene is off limits for you. You are even a bigger player than Jesse. At least Jesse only sees one girl at a time." Stella poked at Rich.

"Ouch! I know! I backed off when I found out you two were besties." Rich said laughingly.

"Wait Wait so Irene's not seeing anyone?" Jesse interrupted.

"No! She's single! I just confirmed with my cousin. The ex was nearby so they pretended to kiss so she'd finally get the hint." Stella explained.

"So, where's our baby girl anyways? She's late." (Rich)

"Irene's closing shift at the library today." (Stella)

"Baby girl is always working… it's our spring break." Rich said with a shake of his head.

"[Sigh] I know...Someone from our uni asked if she could help out at the local library in London." Stella explained with a shrug.

"Oh! Jesse where are you going?" Anissa asked, startled as she saw him quickly stand up to leave.

"I bet you 1000 pounds…" Rich started.

"There's no need to bet. We both know where he's going." Stella said nonchalantly and rolled her eyes.

It was like something had come over him, that night Jesse quickly drove back to the local library parking lot and ran just in time to see Irene walking out. She was wearing a cozy oversized pale pink sweater tucked into a pair of dark skinny jeans and nude flats. To him she looked like the most beautiful girl in the world.

"Hey Jesse." She greeted him with a smile before she noticed him lightly panting.

"Did you run over here?" She went to grab a tissue for him to wipe his face that was slightly wet with perspiration.

"Yeah." Jesse answered looking at Irene intently, savoring her show of kindness.

"I thought we were supposed to meet at the lounge. Did you come to pick me up?" Irene's brows scrunched a little as she asked.

"Yeah." Jesse answered patting his face dry.

"You didn't have to run," she said with a soft laugh.

"I didn't want to be late," Jesse answered as he helped her with her school bag.

"I would have waited for you." Irene said looking at him with a smile.



At the nearby tables, single ladies were contemplating on whether to approach the tall extremely good looking man sitting alone. Others were surreptitiously taking photographs on their phone wondering if the man was a foreign celebrity.

Finally as one of the women mustered up the courage to approach Jesse, an extremely beautiful young lady came in the restaurant and began to walk towards the same direction where the man sat. Seeing this, the woman's steps slightly faltered. She saw the blond man stand up to walk towards the attractive young lady who just came in.

'They both look so beautiful. They are like a perfect match.' the woman mused as she dejectedly went back to her table. The rest of the ladies at the restaurant also wore looks of disappointment upon realizing the man was already taken.

"Hey Jesse" Miyeon greeted him with a smile as they shared a brief hug.

"Irene," Jesse greeted back, loving the feel of her name on his lips.

'I won't miss the chance this time,' Jesse promised himself.