Chapter 24: Movie Night

After Jesse had resolved the issue of his "little brother" he turned to Rich with gritted teeth and uttered, "Not a word or I'll sock you."

Rich let out a loud and boisterous laugh before responding in a lower voice,"Hey what you getting mad at me for? I didn't know your girl would answer the door dressed like that! I've got to say that was something else. I almost got affected myself. Hooo. "

"Shut it and go." Jesse muttered pushing his friend towards the living area of the suite.

Inside, Shu Li was showing off her mixing skills whilst Miyeon watched with an indulgent look on her face.

"Great you guys are here! Took you long enough!" (Shu Li)

"Ahem, We had to resolve an urgent issue that came up." Rich attempted to explain with a straight face while Jesse blushed furiously.

"Whatever! Come on. What are you guys having?" Shu Li cut in impatiently.

"You guys should put in your drink requests first. Stella has been complaining my orders are too easy." Miyeon said with a short laugh.

"Whiskey sour for me and a Manhattan for my mate here," Rich said as he took the seat across the counter from Shu Li.

"Roger!" Shu Li said as she gracefully mixed the drinks and placed them on the table. Afterwards, Shu Li made herself a shot of a Washington apple to toast with Rich and the two began to chat.

One the other hand, Miyeon took the chair by the dining table where she sat with one leg folded in a figure four. She swung her other leg back and forth as she sipped her drink. Jesse naturally came over to her side and took the seat next to her.

"What are you having?" (Jesse)

"Jack & Coke. You?" (Miyeon)

"A Manhattan for me." Jesse placed the whisky colored cocktail made by Su Li on the table as he took his seat.

"By the way, you alright? You were really red earlier. I thought you got a fever." Miyeon asked as she turned slightly to face her friend. This movement caused the loosely tied robe to pull open at her thighs showing a bit of her alabaster thighs.

As Jesse opened his mouth to respond to Miyeon's inquiry, he caught sight of bare legs causing him to blush profusely. Suddenly, Jesse hurriedly stood up and strode over to the couch in the living room where he grabbed two throw pillows. Then holding one pillow to his stomach he walked towards Miyeon and placed the other pillow on her lap.

Miyeon was startled and had a puzzled look on her face as she watched her friend's actions.

"Th-thank you?" She said tentatively and Jesse gave her a firm nod in response before silently taking the seat next to her. Jesse was acting so oddly that Miyeon already forgot her previous question. All of a sudden, there were sounds of laughter coming from the drinks counter, causing Miyeon to take her gaze from Jesse. This time it was her other friends Rich and Shu Li that were laughing their butts off while staring at the direction of the dinner table.

"Guys...I'm so confused." (Miyeon)

"It's okay baby girl don't mind it." (Rich)

"Ready for a game of cards?!" (Shu Li)

"Let's get started." Jesse answered hoarsely.

The group hung out and played several rounds of cards while having drinks. After a while, Miyeon went to the bedroom for a breather and a drink of water. In fact, Miyeon was a complete lightweight; it takes about 4 cocktails for her to be drunk and that's already having built up her tolerance over the years. Miyeon only ever drinks socially and usually with Shu Li. 'These kids drink like a fish. They were downing shots one after another,' she thought yawning as she turned on the television.

Later on, Jesse came to find Miyeon on the bed, knees to her chest focused on the screen; she was holding a can of saporro black as she was sniffling back tears. Alarmed Jesse immediately went to the bed to check on her, "Irene, hey what's wrong?"

"Hic hic hic," Miyeon attempted to fight back as she rested her chin on knees.

"Irene? Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere?" Jesse continued to ask worriedly as he brushed the hair falling on her face.

"Wu wu wu" Miyeon made soft sobbing sounds as tears started to fall continuously.

"Oh no no. Irene, baby don't cry. Tell me what's wrong huh." Jesse began to panic and the sight of Miyeon in tears made his heart throb. He moved closer and placed his arms around her small body to comfort her as he waited for her to speak.

"Jenny's sick. She's dying and Oliver knows…" Miyeon wailed and turned her face towards Jesse; their faces only a few inches apart. For a few seconds, Jesse was rendered speechless by her proximity but eventually managed to recover enough of his senses to think, 'Jenny? Oliver?'

Miyeon frowned seeing that the man in front of her had a bemused look on his face; using both hands she turned his face to the direction of the tv screen. An old 1970 film called Love Story starring Ali MacGraw and Ryan O'Neal was playing. Pointing to the actors on the screen, "There! See! Oliver didn't tell her she was sick but she found out." Miyeon explained with a tear stained face.

Upon hearing her explanation, Jesse felt slightly relieved as he had felt his heart twisting watching her cry without being able to do anything. The movie Love Story was based on a book written by Erich Segal; Jesse knew the premise of the novel as it was one of his sister's favorites. It had a sad ending as the female lead died of leukemia in the male lead's embrace. He just hadn't expected the normally calm and composed Miyeon to cry over a movie and a romantic drama at that. Jesse felt his heart soften as he learned about this new side of her. 'Apparently she gets drunk quite easily, no wonder she would only have a drink or two when hanging out with them.' he thought as he took the can of beer from her hands and placed it on the drawer by the bed.

The loss of her beverage caused Miyeons brows to furrow and she turned to lunge at the 'thief' who snagged her drink. "Hey! I wasn't done with that," Miyeon complained

"I know but let's get you sober first alright?" Jesse said in a soothing manner as he went to grab her a glass of water. Miyeon's effort to grab her drink back only caused her to fall into an empty bed. Maybe it was because of the alcohol but Miyeon was particularly cute and childish, pouting at Jesse to give her back her drink.

"I'll give you your beer after you drink this glass of water okay?" Jesse said.

"Mhmmm. Okay" Miyeon made an okay sign with her fingers as she smiled sweetly at him.

'Jesus. That smile is dangerous.' Jesse thought.

After a while, the two continued to watch the film in comfortable silence with only the sound of Miyeon's occasional sniffling. She didn't ask for her drink back as she had become fully immersed in the movie. Jesse focused his attention on the beautiful girl who sat beside him, her head laying on his shoulder. 'A drunk and defenseless Irene is too attractive. This image cannot be shown to anyone.' Jesse decided.

Soon the long awaited ending came and Miyeon was bawling at the death of the heroine. Miyeon was so distraught over the finale that she had sought Jesse's embrace for comfort. "Love means never having to say you are sorry. She taught him." Miyeon muttered the lines in the film whilst crying. At that moment, Shu Li walked in to check on the two but realized what was happening the instant she saw her drunk best friend in Jesse's arms.

"Oho I was wondering what you guys were up to. I guess you made a big discovery. Irene's pretty cute when she's drunk huh." Shu Li said with a sneaky grin.

"Rich and I are going to go to the lounge for a night cap. I'm guessing you are okay staying here to take care of Irene?" (Shu Li)

"Ye-yeah. I'll take care of her." (Jesse)

"Jesse, I don't have to warn you right?" Shu Li began her voice firm.

"Stella, I won't do anything to harm Irene. I- I love her." Jesse spoke seriously, looking directly at Shu Li.

A tired and sleepy Miyeon seemingly not hearing their conversation remained laying in Jesse's arms.