Chapter 26: ‘Friends’ from Milan

On Saturday morning, Miyeon woke up with a splitting headache. As was her habit, she began to feel her way on the bed looking for her phone, when her fingers landed on a decidedly firm male chest. This caused Miyeon to instantly bolt upright to a sitting position. Miyeon wasn't faint of heart but she wasnt ready to take a look at who the man was lying beside her. 'Huwhat da waa did I do last night? I remember drinking 4 cocktails, a shot of black Russian, and a can of beer. And then what?' Miyeon kneaded her temples with her forefinger and middle finger in an attempt to jog her memory. 'Think woman!' she internally shouted at herself. But unfortunately, her memory took today to call in sick of all days.

Suddenly there was a rustling of sheets beside her and she bent down to meet the dark blue eyes of Jesse Evans. "Hey Irene, Good morning." Jesse greeted in a husky voice.

"Jesse… Did I? Was I...very drunk last night?" Miyeon asked tentatively, her cheeks reddening with slight embarrassment. She had stopped trying to knead her temples but her previous actions had left her hair in disarray. This slightly disheveled Miyeon bit her lower lip as expectantly glanced at Jesse, making her appear effortlessly sexy and attractive.

'Christ. I can't handle this stimulation first thing in the morning.' Jesse thought alarmed. He propped himself up to a seated position and matter-of-factly placed a pillow on his lap. Jesse really liked seeing this different side of Miyeon but he also wanted to calm her worries. He gave a cough to clear his throat before responding, "Uhm yeah. You were quite intoxicated."

"Was I..very unruly?" (Miyeon)

"Unruly? No no nothing like that. just cried while watching a romantic film." (Jesse)

"A romance movie?" (Miyeon)

"Well yeah but it's a sad movie. An old film called Love kept saying how Jenny is sick and Oliver knows but wouldn't tell her." (Jesse)

Miyeon's eyes widened in slight realization. Memories from last night slowly began to flash before her eyes.

"Uhh.. and then you tried to ask for more alcohol. But I wouldn't give you anymore since you'd probably get a bad hangover." (Jesse)

Before he could continue, Miyeon placed both hands on Jesse's lips. Startled by the sudden warmth of her palm on his lips, Jesse felt his heart begin to pound.

"It's okay! You don't have to tell me the rest! As long as I didn't puke on you or make crazy advances." Miyeon hurriedly explained.

Jesse shook his head. 'Make crazy advances? I wish…' he thought wistfully, savoring the feeling of her hand against his skin.

In all actuality, Miyeon had remembered all the embarrassing details of the past night as soon as Jesse mentioned the movie 'Love Story.' She remembered wailing about Jenny's death and trying to act cute while asking for a glass of bubbly. Miyeon buried face in her hands and tried to compose herself.

"Jesse, can you do me a favor?" (Miyeon)

"Yeah?" (Jesse)

"Can you forget what happened last night" Miyeon asked expectantly.

"I don't think I can do that." Jesse said apologetically.

Miyeon turned around, surprised at his response.

"Uhm.. The thing is… what happened may be something you'd like to forget. But…." Jesse began to explain in a low voice.

"...for me." (Jesse)

"Unng?" Miyeon made a soft questioning sound.

"It's a beautiful memory for me. I like seeing different sides of you, Irene." Jesse said as he gazed at Miyeon intently.

"Oh…" For some reason, she could only utter out a word under Jesse's gaze. 'What is this? Something seems different.' Miyeon thought although she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Oi guy's, get ready! Let's grab breakfast!" Rich shouted from outside the bedroom breaking the trance between Jesse and Miyeon.


After a light breakfast at The Cafe by Aman, the group headed over to Shibuya where Shu Li and Miyeon went to meet up with Yoko Mori to discuss the collaboration between the two brands, Comme Cette Demoiselle (Like that Young Lady) X Moussey 20XX. The initial meeting concluded satisfactorily with Yoko indicating she would like to have Miyeon as the main face of the collaboration. This unexpected source of income is something Miyeon really appreciated. In fact, sometimes she wonders if Shu Li is purposefully helping her financially with these modelling gigs. She had to admit modelling is pretty tiring both physically and mentally for her but international deals like these pay well.

Meanwhile, the two guys went to walk around as they waited for their friends to finish their business. Within a short while they were already approached by talent scouts asking if they would be interested in becoming models/celebrities. Several girls also came up to ask for their numbers which Jesse politely declined to give out. Rich, on the other hand, happily added the women on LINE.


It was already past noon by the time the group finished and headed over to Ginza to grab lunch at Hare, a popular curry place among locals. The inside of the restaurant was rather cramped and unsuitable for two extremely tall well and built foreigners. They sat at a table for four and were basically shoulder to shoulder. Rich comfortably sat with one arm around Shu Li while looking through the menu. Miyeon noticed Jesse fidgeting beside her and she moved the menu towards him so he could get a better look. Only to see him teetering over the aisle of the restaurant.

With a small laugh, Miyeon reached out to grab him by the arm and pulled him closer.

"Jesse, you are gonna fall if you keep squirming like that." (Miyeon)

"..." 'How can I explain that such a close proximity is too much stimulation for me. Especially after last night. I need to calm down. Ugh,' Jesse thought anxiously.

"Mate, wanna switch with me?" Rich asked with a smirk.

"No. It's fine." Jesse said through gritted teeth.

"Are you sure? I can also move a bit closer to the side." (Miyeon)

"Or we can do two tables!" Shu Li said, shrugging Rich's arm.

"Let's go over there, Miyeon" Shu Li pointed over to an empty table for two.

"Okay!" Miyeon replied with a smile. "Let's sit separately so you guys can eat comfortably," she said to Jesse.

"You head over there first. I'll help these doofuses order." Shu Li said. Once Miyeon was out of earshot, she turned over to Jesse and stuck out her tongue.

"You're a hundred years too early, Jesse Evans.' Shu Li whispered to him.

Rich and Jesse ordered a supreme curry and a yellow curry with extra menchi katsu and egg while Miyeon and Shuli both got an earth curry. The curry is hearty, served with a side of salad and the rice is all you can eat which is always a win for their two ravenous male companions.

As the group enjoyed their delicious curry meals, Shu Li broached the topic of Su Tian with Miyeon.

"Miyeon-ah, do you remember ever meeting Tian before?" (Shu Li)

"Hmm? Your friend from Milan? I met her for the first time on your birthday…But…" (Miyeon)

"But?" (Shu Li)

"I don't know. For some reason I get the feeling that she doesn't like me." (Miyeon)

"Hmmm." (Shu Li)

"But it's weird we've never had any interaction before and my only connection through the fashion industry is through you and the boys over there." (Miyeon)

"Why do you ask?" (Miyeon)

"Hmm. Just making sure." (Shu Li)

"Ung? Haha You're picking out stuff from your meal again? I swear I've never met anyone as picky as you." (Miyeon)

"What are you talking about? This is completely normal, some foods are just not meant to be mixed together." (Shu Li)

"Oh really? So who else do you know, eats like you?" (Miyeon)

"Su Tian!" (Shu Li)

"Su Tian has the same eating habits as you? Do you know how picky you are? You don't eat pickles, raisins, egg yolks, ginger, kale, carrots, only eat a certain type of onion. Do you even want me to go on?" (Miyeon)

"Stop! Stop! Now that you mentioned it. This was how we bonded." (Shu Li)

"Huh?" (Miyeon)

"Me and Tian. We bonded over our same taste in food." (Shu Li)

"Alright? Good for you?" (Miyeon)

'But now I think about it. It does seem weird. Even her taste in drinks is similar to mine… No I would even say it's exactly like mine. Our style of clothing too. Could there be such a coincidence? Plus, Ruhe has been plotting against me. And her and Tian are tied at the hip. Is it possible that Tian doesn't know anything about this? Or are they in this together? Maybe I never noticed since we would always hangout at events or parties where there are lots of other people and alcohol involved.' Shu Li pondered, lost in thought.

"Earth to Shu Li. Are you there?" Miyeon asked with a snap of her fingers.

"Huh? Oh...haha. Miyeon-ah~~ You just gave me some food for thought." Shu Li answered her with a smile. 'Looks like I'm going to have to do something about my little 'friends' from Milan soon' she decided.