Chapter 30: Are You Trying to Pursue Miyeon?

Miyeon just laughed at the absurdity of Shu Li's comment. Dating Lu Minzhe is something that never crossed her mind. They're from two different worlds.

"You guys talk. I'm gonna take a shower," Miyeon said as she went into the room.

As soon as she was out of earshot the ever perceptive Shu Li turned to Lu Minzhe with narrowed eyes, "Minzhe-ge, spill it. Are you trying to pursue Miyeon?"

This question apparently caught Lu Minzhe off guard, "Pu-pursue? No! What are you going on about?

"If you are not pursuing her, then why are you being especially kind to her? You took her grocery shopping the other day. Initially, I thought that was only because I kept going on about how Miyeon wasn't eating well and didn't have any food at home. Now I'm not sure," Shu Li uttered with a frustrated tone.

"Was I being especially kind? Isn't this the normal behavior of a brother?" Lu Minzhe asked with a baffled look on his face.

"Brother!? What kind of brother would spend the entire afternoon reading manga with her sister then take her out to dinner and dessert after? Can you imagine Suhan doing such a thing for me?" Now it was Shu Li's turn to be astonished, 'Is this man for real? Even if he is Minzhe-ge, I won't allow him to play with Miyeon.'

Lu Minzhe was silent for a moment before finally speaking, "Shu Li, I have always treated you kindly. I was just trying to do the same for her."

Shu Li gave Lu Minzhe a searching look and was satisfied upon finding no deception in his gaze. However, it was imperative she corrected his current misconceptions regarding the reasons for his actions. "Minzhe-ge you must have gotten confused. You spoil me with material things. Expensive things that can be bought with money, which you have a lot of. I also know for a fact most if not all of the presents I've received were chosen by Secretary Jin. But what you gave Miyeon is your time. You are a businessman so I am sure you are aware of the difference."

Her words rendered Lu Minzhe speechless and left him more confused. Until Shu Li had pointed it out, Lu Minzhe had not noticed that the way he'd been acting towards Miyeon was truly different.

"Minzhe-ge, perhaps.. Do your actions have anything to do with what happened 10 years ago?" Shu Li asked concernedly. Upon seeing Lu Minzhe's startled look, Shu Li let out a sigh.

"Did you intercept the report from Cheng Yan?" Lu Minzhe pointedly asked.

"Hah. You already know how annoyingly loyal Yan is to you. When I had asked him for a copy of the investigation on Su Tian, he was insistent on having me receive the file directly from you. Honestly, it was so suspicious considering I requested the investigation in the first place. It was bugging me why Su Tian had surveillance on Miyeon. Anyways, there was no need to be that secretive unless it was somehow related to you as well."

Shu Li took a deep breath before she continued, "We've known each other since we were kids…and the only time we ever lost contact was 10 years ago. I remember asking Auntie Lu about what had happened to you but she was always strangely upset when I brought it up. So, I eventually stopped inquiring. You know it's weird when all of high society wouldn't talk about something and we all know that only happens if the Lu Family is the one keeping things under wraps," Shu Li calmly related her speculations all the while keeping her eye on Lu Minzhe.

"Shu Li…. I mean no harm towards Miyeon," Lu Minzhe finally said after a long bout of silence.

"I know you have no bad intentions, ge. But your actions are too ambiguous, any normal girl would have misconstrued your behavior for romantic interest and I wouldn't blame them. You are lucky that Miyeon...Miyeon is different," Shu Li stated, her brows slightly furrowed in concern for her friend.

"I know and I think..I may have been the reason things turned out this way. So I want to make things right with her," Lu Minzhe spoke but would not explain things further. His gaze was somber.

"Minzhe-ge...are you saying, you are the reason Miyeon got sent to the UK?" Shu Li asked aghast. She quickly looked towards the direction of the bedroom to confirm that Miyeon didn't hear their ongoing conversation. And hearing the sound of the shower running, she became more at ease.

However, Lu Minzhe didn't give a direct answer to Shu Li's question and instead repeated. "I will make things right this time."

So with an exasperated sigh Shu Li continued, "I don't know what you mean by making things right but Miyeon is my best friend. She already suffered so much back in the UK. Her family suddenly cut off financial support after prep school. Miyeon worked multiple jobs and studied like hell to get through university. She couldn't even date and have fun like normal girls her age. Minzhe-ge, I really don't want to see her get hurt anymore. So please before you meet her again can you work out what your true feelings are towards Miyeon."

"Alright. Looks like my little Shu Li is all grown up now," Lu Minzhe conceded, he knew how much Shu Li treasured Miyeon. They were each other's support back in the UK. It appears he was being too short sighed to think that showing up suddenly in Miyeon's life wouldn't raise any concerns to those close to her. Plus it's true that he needs to figure out the crux of his complex feelings for Miyeon. 'If it's not brotherly concern as he'd thought...then what is it?' Lu Minzhe pondered.

"Pfft. I've been grown-up for a while now. But I'll always let you spoil me, Minzhe-ge." Shu Li laughingly spoke as she bid him goodbye.

"Mm. I'll head on out. Rest well. I'll have Cheng Yan send you the redacted report tomorrow." Lu Minzhe said as he headed out.


Meanwhile, at the Four Seasons Hotel in Marunouchi, Su Tian sat on an easy chair garbed in a bathrobe. It was an exceptionally tiring day; she finished a photoshoot in the morning and had to attend a fashion talk with that annoying brat Shu Li in the evening. Truth be told, she really wanted to wipe that aggravatingly indifferent look on Miyeon's face this afternoon but now is not the time. A quick glance at her phone told her it was about time to call him and a rare genuine smile flashed on Su Tian's face.

"Any news?" asked the masculine voice on the phone. As usual, he skipped the greetings with Su Tian.

"Lu Minzhe is here. They went out on a date today. It looks like he couldn't keep away from her after all. Just like what you said." Su Tian responded.

"Heh. Minzhe hasn't changed at all. He's always been weak to these emotions when he was a kid. He still has a strong sense of guilt. We can make use of that," the man stated.

"I understand. I will keep you updated on the progress. Shu Li has also become quite close with me. The fashion talk definitely won her over," Su Tian said excitedly, happy to be speaking with him after a week.

"Good. We can make use of that stupid b*tch from the Wei Family." he declared with contempt.

"Ah-Feng, I want to see you," Su Tian spoke, longing evident in her voice.

"Soon. Until then make sure to keep your cover," the man said without much emotion.

"Mm. Alright. I miss you." Su Tian finally said regretfully.


The man hung up and Su Tian stared at her phone longingly. It was all that slut Miyeon's fault that Guo Feng and her had to be separated like this.