Chapter 35: I Missed You So Much

Le Ciel's headquarters was located in A City's financial district; the 40 floors glass building was a mere 1600 meter distance from Lu Corporation. From the airport, it takes about 25 minutes in light traffic on the motorway to arrive at the studio. After a brief introduction, the pair sat in the back seat of the luxury taxi service Miyeon booked through her DuDu app. 

Miyeon had the type of personality that can comfortably pass time in silence. This was the complete opposite of Liz who preferred every moment to be filled with conversation, music and sometimes even noise. So after a few minutes of relative stillness, Liz began to fidget in her seat. 'Ugh so much for giving the impression of a mature and aloof lady,' she thought. Initially, Liz had not wanted to lose against Miyeon who appeared to exude natural elegance. However,  she couldn't bear to spend the entirety of the ride simply listening to C Country music so resolved to start a conversation with the person seated beside her.

"So Irene, how did you and Jesse meet?" Liz inquired, curious to learn about the depth and nature of the relationship between the two.

However, Miyeon was oblivious to the other girl's suspicions so she responded simply and honestly. "I met Jesse and Rich at a friend's fashion show in Cambridge." 

"Ohh. So you didn't know each other for that long. I thought you went to the same secondary school." Liz felt relieved upon hearing the girl's response. "Fashion show? Are you a model as well?" Liz inquired further. 

'That would explain her style. It's pretty common to keep in contact with your model friends,' she rationalized.

"Mmhmm. We all went to Westminster School but I wasn't close with either Rich or Jesse then. Modeling..I guess is something I do more casually," Miyeon responded vaguely not wanting to give the impression she was some popular model. In fact, she was only casually affiliated with Le Ciel since their newly appointed chief designer who also happens to be her best friend has been quite particular in working with her. 

"Oh..What else do you do aside from modeling?" Liz pried further. She couldn't understand why a person would give up being a fulltime model. It's basically an occupation where you get paid for being beautiful. 

"I used to be a financial consultant in the UK," Miyeon answered with a smile.

"Financial consultant? Are you talking about 'real' work?" Liz asked, wearing a confused expression. "Which family are you from? Can't you just get assigned a management position in the company?"

"Mmm. I'm actually an orphan," Miyeon said with a wry smile. 

"What?! But didn't you say you studied in Cambridge?!" in an instant, her confused expression was replaced with one of shock. 

"Mhmm. I was on scholarship," Miyeon spoke calmly. 'This little girl has so many expressions. So cute,' Miyeon thought to herself.

"Wait!? How old are you!?" Liz exclaimed. How could this beautiful person also be so accomplished. Perhaps, she's actually already mature in age and only appears young because of her asian genes? However, Liz was in for another surprise upon hearing Miyeon's response.

"I'm turning 24 in a few months. Rich said you're 21, right? Are you currently on break in uni?" Miyeon spoke evenly, deflecting the attention to her companion.

"Ugh! You're even younger than Jesse!? Why does it seem like you've accomplished a lot already?" Liz's voice rose as she spoke.

"Uhmm, I wouldn't say I've accomplished much. I just skipped a few grades that's all," Miyeon replied in a soothing manner, feeling slightly abashed. 'To be honest, my achievements aren't even comparable to most high society aristocrats in A City.'

But unbeknownst to Miyeon, her companion's confidence had already taken a beating during their short conversation. "Actually, I haven't decided if I wanted to go to university," Liz said in a low voice.

"Oh, I see," Miyeon commented with a friendly smile.

"Are you judging me?!" Liz asked accusingly, feeling defensive. 

"Pardon? No, nothing of that sort. It's a person's own prerogative whether or not he chooses to pursue a university degree," Miyeon said calmly in a clear voice.

Realizing that Miyeon sincerely meant her words unlike Liz's relatives and so called 'friends' who often made snide comments on her lackadaisical approach to life, Liz was mollified. "Exactly! Plus, it's not like I need to work after graduation. I'm a Montgomery after all. I already have access to my trust fund," she mentioned with a satisfied smile. 

Miyeon didn't make any remarks and simply nodded in response. 'Her mood changes so quickly. She's just like a kid,' Miyeon thought, trying to control her slowly upturning lips.

"I actually flew here right after graduating prep school. I haven't seen Jesse in the longest time!"

"I see. You must be tired after the long flight," Miyeon said sympathetically. She felt it was a bit odd that Liz kept mentioning Jesse but didn't say a word about Rich, yet the latter was the one who asked Miyeon for the favor.

"Not at all! I'm used to it. I took a two year break from prep school to travel! I've been all around the world you see," Liz said looking pleased with herself. 

"That's very impressive," responded Miyeon slightly awed.

"Of course! I am quite cultured, you know. What about you? Have you traveled much?" Belatedly remembering that Miyeon had mentioned she was an orphan, Liz continued slightly abashed," Oh, I forgot you said you were a scholarship student..."

"It's alright. I've been to a few places but mostly for work. I doubt it compares to what you've seen. I typically don't have much opportunity to do some sightseeing," Miyeon answered with a short chuckle. Actually, Miyeon didn't feel any cruel intentions from Liz unlike when she first met Su Tian. Liz may be immature and spoiled but she doesn't seem like a bad kid.

On the other hand, Liz was feeling extremely conflicted; she wasn't able to achieve what she initially set out to do. Her intention had been to determine the relationship between Jesse and Miyeon and subsequently put Miyeon in her place. However, Miyeon was too different from the type of girls Jesse used to go out with. She possessed way more substance and she was much easier to get along with. In addition, she didn't appear to be a 'gold digger' so this being the case, Liz was unsure of how to deal with Miyeon. 

In fact, judging by their brief interaction Liz felt that as long as Miyeon wasn't dating Jesse, Liz didn't mind being friends with her. 


  Le Ciel, Studio A

When the two young ladies arrived at Le Ciel, they were promptly greeted by a receptionist who had recognized Miyeon as a part-time Le Ciel model cum best friend of Chief Designer Wei. They were quickly registered, given visitor badges and guided to Studio A where Rich and Jesse were currently shooting for a denim brand. 

They ended up arriving at an opportune moment when the photographer called for a break. Several minutes before, Rich had noticed Miyeon and Liz quietly observing the shoot. So, he immediately gestured over to Jesse as he made his way towards Miyeon whilst wearing only a pair of black denim jeans. 

"Baby girl. Have I mentioned how awesome you are?" Rich cheekily asked while giving Miyeon a big bear hug. 

"Mmm. Not today," Miyeon pretended to think as she casually responded. Despite wearing four inch heels, she still had to go on tiptoes to properly return Rich's embrace. 

"Hey Liz. I see you got here in one piece." Rich commented offhandedly, his attitude doing a complete 180. The subject of his greeting merely gave a grimace in response before craning her neck to look for Jesse.

Liz's face visibly brightened as she caught sight of the man in question making his way towards their direction. Similarly, Jesse was only clad in a pair of dark blue denim jeans. His blond hair had been tousled carelessly by the stylist. His 6 pack abs looked well defined and his pair of mermaid lines were looking especially attractive in the low waist jeans. At this moment, Jesse who looked like he had a devil may care attitude appeared extremely sexy.

Liz felt her face flush uncontrollably at the sight of Jesse looking exceptionally handsome. From the time they were children until now, only Jesse could make her heart skip a beat. Although Jesse had told her time and again that he only saw her as a little sister, Liz felt in her heart that he would eventually come to accept her feelings. 'How could he not when no one will love him as much as I do,' she concluded whilst smiling at the man walking towards her. 

They were only separated by a short distance but Liz was no longer able to contain her excitement. With a cheerful smile, she jogged towards Jesse and threw her arms around him. 

"Jesse Evans! I missed you so much!" she excitedly shrieked.