Chapter 38: I Can’t Give Up

"Liz, even if I can't be with Irene, it can't be you."

Jesse's words kept running through her mind as Liz sat on the bed, alone in her hotel room. She couldn't understand how Jesse could say such words so decisively. Liz recalled all the times she had confessed to Jesse and how casually he had rejected her. However, he had always spoken kindly and even jokingly so she had never taken his rejections seriously. 

"Stop kidding around." 

"You should look for people your age, kid."

"I've never thought of you in that way."

"I only see you as a little sister."

"Liz, you're a pretty girl, you'll find a good guy who'll like you."

"Liz, enough already. My answer won't change, alright. Anyway I heard you're returning to prep school soon?"

Of course, she also felt hurt and embarrassed at his constant 'let downs' no matter how nicely done they were. For a while, Liz had even thought that her brother Noah was the reason Jesse refused to date her. The two were close friends growing up and she'd heard there was a 'bro-code' that prohibits friends from dating each other's siblings - sisters are off limits apparently. So of course, she had confronted Noah about it only to be met with a look of utter confusion. 

"What are you going on about?" Noah Joel Montgomery asked as he looked up from his laptop. He was a tall well built man with attractive features; he had a ruddy complexion, tall nose, hazel eyes and dark brown hair. Noah looked quite the dashing and intellectual businessman garbed in a 3 piece bespoke suit wearing rimless spectacles.

"Didn't you tell Jesse he's not allowed to date me?" Liz demanded with her arms akimbo.

"Huh? No? Why would you think that?" Noah exasperatedly replied while motioning his secretary to close the glass door. His sister had this irksome habit of barging into offices without knocking or shutting the door behind her. 

"Don't you guys have a bro-code?" she continued, standing in front of her brother's desk.

"Bro-code my arse! A marriage alliance between the Evans and Montgomery families would be extremely beneficial for both parties. Such a code does not apply in this situation," Noah gave a soft chuckle as responded.

"Then why…" Liz began, looking at her brother with uncertainty.

Noah leaned back on his seat and with a sigh he calmly asked his sister, "Liz, have you ever thought that maybe Jesse just doesn't see you as a woman?" 

"That can't be. I'm all grown up now," Liz insisted.

"That's not what I meant. I don't think you are his type," Noah said seriously, rubbing his temples.

"I know the kind of girls he dates. I can be his type," Liz persisted stubbornly.

"Don't do that, Liz. You'll just end up hurting yourself. Look, our families have had a good relationship for so many years. I'm sure mom and dad would have gladly given Jesse their blessing. And if Jesse had been interested in you at all, why would he be dating all those girls instead of asking you out?" Noah explained unhurriedly. Even though Liz has always been wilful since she was young and they were not particularly close as siblings, he still didn't want her to get hurt. It's especially problematic that the other party is a good friend and the son of another prestigious family. 

"No. He just hasn't realized that my feelings are serious. I've loved him for so long, I know he'll eventually come to like to love me too." Liz asserted, almost as if to convince herself.

"That's not how it works Liz. You can't force someone to love you," her brother said with resignation. Noah could only hope that Jesse would reject his sister cruelly enough so Liz would finally give up. 


Liz was brought back to reality by the sudden buzzing of her phone. 

**text message**

[Taylor_Rich]: Hey, kid. Make sure you let your family know you've arrived safely in Y City. 

[Taylor_Rich]: Don't be a troublemaker. This upcoming shoot is a very important project for Jesse.

Liz couldn't help but cry out in frustration after reading through these texts. 'A kid? A troublemaker? Is that all they think of me, a nuisance?!' To be honest, Liz couldn't understand why Jesse is putting so much effort in modeling when he will end up working for Evans Industries eventually.

However looking back, she knew it was wrong to have flown directly to C Country without informing her family or anyone in A City beforehand but she'd just been so excited to finally see Jesse again. She had wanted to give him a surprise yet it seems all her anticipation was one sided. As Liz remembered how coldly Jesse pulled away from her, the tears which had just recently stopped began to flow once more.

She had to admit, she felt nervous the moment she laid eyes on Miyeon. The young woman was an exquisite beauty with a gentle and elegant demeanor. Miyeon was well educated, self-assured and independent. Through their brief conversation, Liz quickly learned that Miyeon had been self-sufficient since her youth. 

However, aren't Miyeon's achievements all driven by necessity? In terms of family background and social status, Liz was confident in her superior upbringing. She was someone who can stand on even footing with the Evans Family. Miyeon was someone who came from an underprivileged background and even if the former and Jesse were to start dating, that is all that will come out of it. That woman, no matter how beautiful, talented or ambitious she may be, it will be difficult for Miyeon to be part of British high society. 

Plus, it doesn't seem like Jesse has confessed so she still has a chance. He might be saying that he loves Miyeon right now but that is just because he hasn't considered the hardships they will encounter in their future together. 'If that is the case, won't they eventually break up?' Liz nervously began to chew her nails as she formulated her plans.

Finally wiping her tear stained face, she grabbed her phone to send her brother the following message. 

Noah, I just landed at Y City. I want to go to uni in C Country.

'Since Jesse loves Irene, I can just be like her. I can't give up. I've loved him for too long,' Liz decided. 'I'm sorry Irene, I actually wanted to be your friend. But I can't live without Jesse. I won't give him to you.'


  777 Bldg 1 District 4, Y City

Meanwhile, Miyeon was in her apartment making tuna pasta for dinner when her phone rang. It was a call from her best friend, Shu Li. Miyeon chuckled and put her phone on speaker.

[Shu Li]: Miyeon-ah~ 

[Miyeon]: Mm?

[Shu Li]: I heard you got bullied today!

[Miyeon]: Oh good Lord. Where did you hear such a thing?

[Shu Li]: From Rich of course! 

[Miyeon]: Pfft. That boy is such a gossip. I didn't get bullied.

[Shu Li]: Mhmmm.. You just happened to fall for Liz's prank huh.

[Miyeon]: You've met Liz?

[Shu Li]: Yeah a few times. She came with her brother Noah to visit Jesse at prep school. Don't like her.

[Miyeon]: Haha. That's not saying much. You don't like many people.

[Shu Li]: Well I like you! Isn't that what's most important?

[Miyeon]: Mhmm. Thanks.

[Shu Li]: Anyways, I just called to tell you not to apologize to Liz. I heard she does that often, sabotaging Jesse's relationships. So, no need to feel bad.

[Miyeon]: Ung? Sabotage Jesse's relationships? He can't even have friends of the opposite sex?

[Shu Li]: …. 

[Shu Li]: *mutters* Poor've got a long way to go, kiddo.

[Miyeon]: Huh? I can't you girl. You gotta speak up, I'm making dinner right now.

[Shu Li]: I said I'm hanging up. Talk later!

[Miyeon]: Alright.