Chapter 40: They Look Good Together

Le Ciel, Studio Z

After successfully securing Miyeon as his model, Robert Zhou moved the shoot for LeVy Strauzz Jeans to a bigger studio. Today, he was in a spectacular mood as his eyes burned with new found inspiration. Robert always preferred to oversee the setup of his shoots unlike other experienced photographers of his caliber. Yes, he was a perfectionist who wanted every detail arranged to fit his taste. 

The three models arrived an hour ago and were currently in the dressing room for hair and makeup. Admittedly, there was not much preparation work necessary as the trio was blessed with nearly blemish free skin and gorgeous features. So After the application of some natural looking makeup and body mist on their torso, Rich and Jesse were made to change into low waist slim fit dark denim jeans. Miyeon wore similar low rise skinny jeans paired with a black LeVy's sports bra. All three were barefoot and looked extremely attractive as they strode to the center of the room.

As the photoshoot began, it was evident that despite the trio not having worked together previously, a tacit understanding existed and they were able to rely on each other and switch poses quickly and naturally. There was a friendly atmosphere among the models, staff, and the photographer making the shoot a thoroughly enjoyable experience. Robert had expected Miyeon to be easy to work with considering she was merely an unknown part time model; however, the two handsome men were already fairly well known for their work in New York yet still maintained a down to earth attitude. 

Robert took over 200 solo, couple, and group shots and he noted something quite curious. When Miyeon was paired with Rich, there was more of a casual flirty air which was mainly evoked by the latter. The former can be seen laughing and going along with the mood maker while completely at ease with their skinship. The side hug shot where Miyeon carelessly leans her head on Rich's shoulder and tilts her face up with a half smile on her face as the latter gives her a cheeky grin seems to sum up their relationship perfectly. Standing side by side they were able to impeccably showcase the flattering design and iconic style of LeVy's signature denim jeans.

On the other hand, Miyeon's shots with Jesse had a mix of passionate and slight sexual tension. The latter's heated gazes towards his partner quickly turned the atmosphere hot and heavy. This Jesse is completely different in front of the camera - like a shy puppy dog that turned into a hungry wolf. Meanwhile, Miyeon had an alluring and charismatic appeal on camera which was a far cry from her usual calm and elegant demeanor. It's amazing how both have become entirely different people during the shoot. In particular, their back hug shot where Miyeon lay against Jesse's back as she sat positioned in between his legs on the white backdrop floor was especially eye-catching. Their long legs accentuated the quality tailoring and comfortable fit of the LeVy's jeans.

As a group, the trio was definitely more rambunctious with the two men mainly being an annoyance to Miyeon.

"Rich stop playing with my hair," Miyeon muttered with slight irritation as she swatted away his hand. 

"Come on Rob told us to cultivate positive feelings for each other during break time. It helps with the shoot," Rich said with a hint of playfulness.

"Well, what you are doing right now isn't working," Miyeon said with a deadpan look. Then noticing that her friend Jesse still had his hand on a lock of her hair, Miyeon rolled her eyes with a sigh. 

"Jesse, you too. Why are you even going along with Rich?"asked Miyeon who has since switched to a denim crop top and black denim pants. The two young men also changed into a different pair of jeans but the top part of their bodies still remained bare.

"Oh, uh... We were betting on who can braid hair faster. You have really soft hair by the way," Jesse said softly.

"... Aren't you boys cold?" Miyeon asked, simply deciding to change the subject. 'These two are like kids,' she mused.

"Heh. Baby girl, you know a photoshoot is the best time for us to show off our bodies without any judgement," Rich spoke and purposefully flexed his muscles in front of the crew.

"Are you trying to hook up with a crew member again?" Miyeon asked in an even voice.

"Ouch! You've been hanging out too much with Stella, baby girl. Your tongue's gotten a lot sharper. I miss the old Irene from Cambridge. Although...I still like you better though right, mate?" Rich asked, nudging his friend.

"Yeah. Irene's the best," Jesse said with a half smile.

"..." (Miyeon)

Suddenly, Rich's face lit up, "Baby girl, come on, tell me the truth. Whose body do you prefer? Mines or Jesse? Come on. Don't be shy, have a gander."

Author's Note: Have a gander means to have a look. (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و Well now, don't mind if i doooo! 

"..." (Miyeon)

"Come on! Jesse wants to know too, right?" Rich says as he elbows his friend. Jesse simply nods with a serious look on his face. 

'Seriously these boys make a competition of everything,' thought Miyeon with a sigh.

"Enough. You best believe I'll give you both a good wallop," Miyeon said with a contrived frown.

Author's note: A good wallop means a good beating. (●≧ω≦)9

"Woah, Irene is rather scary today. But no matter! You still got to answer the question. Which do you prefer?" (Rich)

"Oh dear Lord. Can't you just ask someone from the crew?" (Miyeon)

"It's not the same though. We want to hear your opinion," Jesse answered quietly.

"Jesse, Rich is really being a bad influence on you," Miyeon muttered, shaking her head and placing her hand lightly on his cheek. 

"So?! Come on!" Rich persisted.

"First, you've to promise that the one who doesn't get chosen won't be cross with me," Miyeon commented thoughtfully.

Author's note: To be cross with someone is to be annoyed or angry with someone. (ಠ ∩ಠ)

"Alright you have our word," Rich replied and Jesse nodded in agreement.

Miyeon made a movement as if she was inspecting some valuable pieces of artwork. She thought for a few minutes before making up her mind then she gave a sharp nod and folded her arms to her chest.

"Alright. I've made my decision." Miyeon took a step towards Rich as she spoke, not noticing the crestfallen look that flashed through Jesse's face. However, before Rich had a chance to bask in the glory of his victory, Miyeon quickly turned to Jesse with a smile.

"Of course, it has to be Jesse," she announced triumphantly, causing the young man in front of her to blush and look sideways to hide his raised lips.

"Whaaaat?! Irene! Baby girl! How can you pull a trick like that?" Rich spoke with an expression of disbelief.

"Pffft. Sorry Rich." Miyeon smirked, looking not the least bit apologetic.

"Aww man. I thought for sure I was your type." Rich said dejectedly, earning an eye roll from Miyeon.

In fact, both Rich and Jesse had amazing bodies with well defined muscles. It was just that Jesse was an avid soccer player and is a habitual gym goer and weight lifter. Jesse had an inverted triangle body shape, wide shoulders with 6 pack abs and narrow waist with especially attractive mermaid lines. Also, his legs were fit without being too overly muscular. Meanwhile, Rich is more fit, lean muscular, with a trapezoid body shape. Both are extremely attractive. It's just that Miyeon preferred Jesse's and she admired his effort and hardwork to maintain his physique.

After making her choice, Miyeon looked up at Jesse who had come up to her with a gentle smile on his face. Noticing that the young woman had been rubbing her hand on her flat stomach, he asked, "Hungry?"

"I'm famished," Miyeon responded ruefully. Since she wasn't the type to exercise regularly, she needed to maintain her body weight by monitoring her food intake. Sadly, due to the last minute shoot Miyeon had to get up early and skip breakfast so as not to appear bloated in front of the camera.

"What do you fancy? Let's grab lunch after," Jesse asked, his attention fully focused on Miyeon.

"Em..I want a bacon & cheese burger with a side of crisps and a cheese dip," she said with a thoughtful look on her face. In fact, she was salivating inside as she only had water to drink the entire day.

"Baby girl, that's oddly specific. Though I could use a burger myself and a pint," Rich commented with a chuckle.

"Zip it, Rich." Miyeon countered by smacking Rich on the arm. 

"Alright, burgers it is then," Jesse said laughingly. Today is a good day. 

As a photographer Robert thrived on the dynamic among the three; their natural interactions and strong chemistry were palpable in the resulting images. Thanks to this, the photography session for a major brand successfully ended in under 4 hours. After having the models change their regular clothing, Robert invited the three to take a look at the photo selection to be sent to the LeVy Strauzz Jeans for approval. The photos will be posted as billboards at the main train stations and luxury commercial establishments across the cities in C County. Once the three left for lunch, Robert couldn't help but take a second look at one of the couple photos of Jesse and Miyeon. "These two.. They look good together."