Chapter 44: Shameless

  "En. You looked very beautiful. Really...I couldn't keep my eyes off you."

For a second, Miyeon was unsure how to respond. These were words she'd heard often in the UK especially during her modeling gigs. In fact, her good friend Jesse never fails to mention them to her whenever they meet. However, coming from someone like Lu Minzhe, this was still a rare occurrence. 

"Ah, thank you," Miyeon accepted the compliment calmly with a gracious smile. 


Miyeon recalled a conversation she had with Shu Li several years back. They were both just about to enter uni back then. And Shu Li was planning to take Miyeon on a short trip to Taiwan with her other high society friends from C Country. 

"Yeon-ah~ when we meet up with my C Country buddies, just ignore them or treat them indifferently like you do now," Shu Li said as she lay sprawled on the white chaise of her luxury condo.

"You're making me sound like some cold heartless woman, Shu." Miyeon replied not looking up from her phone.

"Well, you are definitely cold," Shu Li commented thoughtfully. Shu Li glanced at Miyeon who currently sat cross legged on the plush carpet of her living room and gave a sigh.

"But seriously, if you think a lot of guys here are players looking for easy hookups, you'd be shocked to find that C Country isn't any worse," she reiterated. Her friend would be the perfect target for those lewd nutjobs in C Country. They always preyed on attractive and impoverished/working class girls for one night stands. 'Miyeon would be top quality meat for them. She's not only exceptionally good looking, she's also intelligent,' Shu Li thought unconsciously chewing her fingernails. 

"Hmm?" Miyeon gave a soft questioning sound whilst scrolling through

Author's Note: is a popular job search website in the UK. 

"Yah! I'm telling you this cause you're my best friend. Focus on me girl! Ah! Are you looking for part time work again?!" Shu Li questioned Miyeon while looking affronted. 'This girl! Here I am worrying about her and she can't even spare me a glance! Hmph, if only that face wasn't my type.' Shu Li stared at Miyeon's perfect and indifferent face with a wistful smile.

"Mhmm. My living expenses got cut off. Anyways, you got my attention. C Country guys, yeah?" Miyeon offhandedly responded.

Miyeon's careless remark caught Shu Li off guard but she didn't pry further despite her brimming curiosity. So instead, Shu Li kept her expression neutral and voice grave as she continued on her tirade. "Uh erm, yeah. Those kids from high society play alooooot! Alright? So if they start complimenting you, telling you you're beautiful or you're lovely and such. Don't fall for it."

"Right, got it. I'm not beautiful or lovely," Miyeon said with a deadpan look. 

"Tsk! That's not what I meant girl!" Shu Li griped as she chucked a throw pillow at her friend. 

"Pffft. I got you! Either way I'm not looking to date anyone." Miyeon answered laughingly as she caught the pillow. 'I don't have the time for that,' she muttered silently to herself.

"When you're ready, I'll help find you a good catch. Leave it to me!" Shu Li swore internally as she fixed Miyeon with an intense gaze.

"Shu, stop staring. My face will melt if you keep looking at it like that," Miyeon remarked with her eyes still glued to her phone. 

'Seriously! This girl is not cute at all!' Shu Li grumbled and turned her attention to her own phone.


In fact, Shu Li didn't have much to worry about. For Miyeon, turning down guys was like second nature. It's not like Miyeon lived a completely ascetic lifestyle, she's gone on dates before but she just never had the time and energy for a serious relationship.

So, taking flatteriers at face value comes easy for her. She doesn't impose unnecessary expectations on others nor does needlessly she lead others on.

However, it seems that Miyeon's lukewarm reaction to Lu Minzhe's compliment was not what he had anticipated. 'Wait did I just expect that Miyeon will react in the same way as the other women wanting a connection with the Lu Family? Ugh. But why does her reaction make me feel bad? It's like she doesn't care for me at all,' Lu Minzhe mused, feeling conflicted.

"Minzhe-ge? Em..what are your plans after this?" Miyeon asked tentatively, taking a glance at the time on her phone.

"Ah! Nothing much," he answered with an easy grin. "Are you planning to invite me over for dinner?" Lu Minzhe asked cheekily.

"No," Miyeon bluntly replied, to Lu Minzhe's chagrin. "I'm planning to eat out tonight since I'm not in the mood to cook," she clarified in an even voice. 

"Well eating out is good too. What are you planning on having?" Lu Minzhe asked as he leaned forward interestedly. 

"Mm. Hotpot?" 'Or maybe I should order in tonight. There's a crawfish place that delivers, using NeituanWaimai. That way I can enjoy dinner while I catch up on that new korean drama, Mine.'

"Hm..It's been a while since I've had hotpot myself. Alright. I'll join you. Hotpot is better with more people anyways," Lu Minzhe cheerily decided. He then proceeded to stretch out his legs and take secret glances at the beautiful lady seated across him as he drank his coffee. 'Yes! That was a smooth move on my part if I may say so myself.'

".... Bu yao lian…" Miyeon softly muttered unaware that the man was inwardly congratulating himself. 

Author's Note: Bu yao lian means shameless.(っ^▿^)This author-nim has been called this by friends hehehehhe. 

"Hmm? The coffee here is good." (Lu Minzhe)

"Nothing. I'll go ahead and invite Shu Li since hotpot is better with more people as you said, Minzhe-ge," Miyeon answered resignedly. 'Shu Li owes me big time. This brother of hers just keeps inviting himself to things. I can't even imagine him as CEO of Lu Corp anymore,' she thought with a sigh.

Lu Minzhe was elated at the thought of having supper together. Of course he preferred if Shu Li wasn't present but he'll take what he can get. Truth be told, he'd been worried that she would reject his self invitation to dinner. Lu Minzhe knew he was being extremely shameless right now but he just couldn't help himself. He really enjoyed spending time with Miyeon and he just wanted to prolong every moment they had together. 'Ugh, I'm acting like a child. I want her to pay attention to me but she's always so indifferent.'

Lu Minzhe knew that his behavior as of late was completely out of character with his public persona as the CEO of Lu Corp. But he has thoroughly deluded himself into believing this was all necessary. 'Miyeon is quite indifferent and difficult to approach so I'll have to attack...I mean get close to her using more audacious means. This way, I'll be able to protect her and also confirm my feelings.'