Falling in love

Bryana paced back and forth in front of her desk while stalking and biting her thumbnails. Now and then she glanced at the door which was still closed. The beautiful woman was anxiously waiting for her bodyguard who was catching up with her new secretary.

"Where is he going? why he has to follow that Kareen? He left his duty as a bodyguard! "Bryana started grumbling as she glanced at the door.

Out of curiosity, Bryana walked out of her room, but when she opened the door, the door was pushed from the outside by someone and knock her down.

"Ahh!" shrieked Bryana as she enabled her body with her arms.

"Gosh, Jill. Sorry, I didn't mean...." Dean was surprised when he saw Bryana lying on the floor. he immediately helped his mistress to get back on her feet.

Bryana stood back up with her hand on her butt which had hit the floor. she still winced in pain bending her face, then corrected her slightly messy hair.

Dean was silent looking at Bryana with pity. while Bryana stared hard at him.

"Where do you come?" Bryana asked.

"Uh, I see Kareen," replied Dean a little nervously.

"You broke the rules, Dean." Bryana turned to walk back to her desk. she looked so annoyed when she saw that bodyguard. besides that, she was also embarrassed because she was lying on the floor. 'Damn, my butt hurts,' she thought grumpily as she rubbed her buttocks.

Dean who was accused was confused and glanced at Bryana, who was walking back to the desk while rubbing her buttocks. Confusion turned to exasperation because the employer was rubbing her sexy buttocks.

Bryana sat in her chair then glanced at Dean who was still standing there staring at her. "Why are you standing there? Come over here!"

"Uh." Dean immediately walked over to Bryana who looked curt at him. 'Why is she angry? Even though I was only out in ten minutes, ' he wondered.

"What rules did I break, Jill?" asked Dean, still standing across from Bryana's desk.

"If you can, ask while sitting down. I'm so tired and tired of seeing you stand all the time!"Bryana was angry again.

Dean sighed, trying to be patient with his beautiful angry boss. He immediately sat in a chair, facing his boss until they looked at each other.

"Is it because I walked out without saying goodbye to cause me to break the rules?" asked Dean.

"Of course," Bryana replied, then leaned her shoulders back into her oversized chair. "A bodyguard must not leave an employer without asking permission."

"Sorry, Jill. I didn't mean to break the rules, but that was me ... I was really curious about Kareen, "explained Dean angrily.

Bryana nodded in understanding while holding the expensive pen she always carried around while working. "What's wrong with her?" she asked then with a probing gaze at Dean.

"It's okay. I guess you don't accept her as an employee here," Dean replied by leaning his shoulder against the back of the chair.

Bryana sighed, feeling lazy to talk about Kareen over and over. she was still pissed off at Dean and felt she had to punish him. Wait, what is she pissed off about? Is she jealous? who knows, what is certain is she doesn't like it if the bodyguard is close to her new secretary.

"I made her being the secretary," Bryana said as she leaned back closer to the table and took her cellphone which was located on the table.

"Thank you for accepting her," said Dean with a warm smile.

Dean's words only made Bryan fire her beard even more. 'Why, why you say thank for her? Who is she for you?'

Bryana ignores Dean by fiddling with her cellphone. And the one who was ignored finally got out of the chair, he was about to return to standing in front of the door.

"Where are you going?" Bryana asked, frowning.

"Over there," replied Dean while pointing at the door.

"Huh, aren't you tired if you stand there all the time?" Bryana asked, grumpily. "Better, make me two cups of hot chocolate."

"Why don't you ask for an office-boy?" Dean asked because his job was to protect Bryana.

"Because I want you to make it," Bryana replied and then brought her seat back to the table and she focused on staring at her laptop which was still display a document. "Go make it. I'll give you five minutes," she continued without looking at Dean.

"All right, I'll make it," said Dean then walked out of the room while scratching his head which was not itchy. Uh, why him?

'Why is she mad at me? Is it because of Kareen, is she jealous? No way, there's no way she's jealous just because of a bodyguard like me! ' Dean said to himself, occasionally he turned back to stare at Bryana from a distance who was focused on staring at the laptop.

Bryana chuckled with amusement hiding her face with the laptop monitor. she glanced at Dean who was walking towards the door with a confused expression. "It's your fault that you dare to pursue other girls because from today you have to prioritize yourself just for me," she thought.

Bryana had already decided and would be desperate to make Dean fall on his knees to her because she felt she had fallen in love with her bodyguard...

ah, if she had found out that Dean liked her too, her heart would have cheered happily.


Louis and Lauren are eating snacks while enjoying the coffee latte. They chatted and exchanged stories about their experiences while watching Calvin play. they are in a special playroom which is indeed available in Bryana's mansion. The room, which is dominated by blue dark, is equipped with various types of toys, ranging in size from small to large.

"How long have you been raising Calvin?" asked Louis.

"About two years," Lauren replied casually as she ate the snack Bryana had provided in the playroom. Hem, that means Calvin doesn't need to buy snacks at the stall.

"How old are you?" asked Louis intending to find the truth of what had been his question so far.

"24 years," Lauren said.

Louis, who was drinking a coffee latte, immediately stopped his minimal activities and turned to stare at Lauren with a surprised expression.

"24 years old?" Louis made sure.

"Haha ha ...!" Lauren laughed while pointing at Louis's white lips at the top because the rest of the creamer was still stuck.

"Eh, why are you laughing? Is there something wrong with me?" Louis stared in surprise at Lauren, who was chuckling.

Louis's expression even made Lauren burst out laughing until she felt tight in her stomach.

Louis sighed. "Lauren, why are you laughing at me?"

Lauren also tried to stop laughing then took a tissue on the table and immediately wiped Louis's lips which still had thick creamer. "You are very funny."

"Hem, I guess what." Louis smiled shyly at Lauren who also smiled at him. their eyes stared at each other for a moment until they were distracted by Calvin's cries.

"Calvin!" Lauren immediately got up from the sofa and hurried over to Calvin, who fell from the toy horse. Likewise, Louis, also approached the son of his employer.

"it's hurt!" cried Calvin in his sobs.

Louis immediately picked up Calvin and taught him to the sofa, followed by Lauren who looked worried. Of course, she was worried because if her employer's son was scratched, she would have been sprayed.

"Is anyone hurt?" Lauren asked as she examined Calvin's arms and legs, which Louis was on the lap.

"No, it's okay, he just hit the floor, not scuffed," explained Louis while glancing at Lauren who looked scared.

'She is like a mother who worries for her child. that means she is indeed a good girl and deserves to be proposed as a wife. Moreover, she is still young, 'thought Louis with a warm smile. Ah, maybe... he will fall in love like Dean and Bryana.