Morning with a passionate atmosphere

In the morning, Bryana stretched and opened her eyes when she felt the cold temperature caused by the wind that infiltrated the window until the white mosquito net curtains were a silent witness to the hot clash between herself and Dean flying. she smiled remembering how beautiful and memorable her husband had given her last night. A happy hue radiated on her naturally beautiful face, even though her body was not covered by a single thread.

"Where is he? Every time I wake up, he's gone." Bryana opened the curtains and glanced around the room hoping to find Dean but was not in the room that was not too large.

Bryana smelled grilled sausage and a few other scents from the outside of the room. She immediately put on her underwear, bra, and long robe and then tied the robe rope on the front of her stomach. The woman got out of bed and walked out of the room barefoot. Luckily Dean had clenched the dusty floor.
