Be sure and carefully

Elsewhere, Lauren is sitting in Calvin's school canteen enjoying a glass of hot tea and a snack of biscuits. She was silent while staring at Louis who was busy playing with his smartphone. She felt annoyed at her boyfriend because ever since she had made love with her, that man seemed to care less about her.

"Louis," said Lauren.

Louis looked up at Lauren. "Yes, what is up?"

"I don't think you love me," muttered Lauren, bending her face.

"Hey, why to say that?" asked Louis, surprised.

"Since that night, you changed. You no longer care for me. you just want me for a moment, then feel satisfied and bored after getting me, sleeping with me. I am so stupid because it is consumed by your seduction. Damn it!" Lauren let out a gasp for no apparent reason. She got out of the chair and chose to leave the canteen.