Conversations in the morning

It was ten o'clock in the morning Australian time, Bryana immediately got out of bed because the hunger was so deep that made her want to eat something immediately. But Dean was up first and brought breakfast for her.

"Already up?" Dean walked from the doorway of the room carrying a large tray containing several food menus.

"Hem, just now. I'm so hungry." Bryana approached Dean by just wrapping her naked body with a thick white blanket. "But I want French Kiss as the main menu."

"It's mandatory." Dean smiled glanced at Bryana then kissed her lips so softly with the hand that still carried the tray.

"Emhh ... Thank you." Bryana released the kiss while feeling Dean's smooth jaw. "I just realized this handsome bodyguard doesn't have a beard anymore. When did you shave it?" She asked.