Bryana tell about her mother

Bryana stretched and slowly opened her eyes. She glanced at Dean who was still sleeping beside her. Seem so calm, sound, and very vulnerable. Seeing her husband's head, which was still bandaged, the woman was afraid and imagined how painful it must be.

Bryana tilted her position and felt Dean's jaw which was covered with fine hairs. She stared at her husband so intensely and imagined what happened yesterday that so scared him. "Thank you for holding out for me."

"Ehmmm." Dean stretched a little, but his body ached, which made him grimace. "Ouch ...."

Bryana immediately sat down. "Why, which one is hurts?" She asked worriedly.

"Everything, everything hurts," Dean replied then remembering when he fell from the stairs. "It's all because of that bastard!"

Bryana looked at Dean with pity. "I'm going to ask Raymond to come and handle this problem."