making out in front of Kareen

Bryana walked into the dining room smiling remembering how annoyed Dean was because of her nosy behavior. But the smile faded when she saw Kareen having breakfast with Sofia. Yes, Kareen's presence in her house for more than two months always makes her in a bad mood and prefers to have dinner out or breakfast outside rather than having a dinner table with Kareen.

'If Raymond didn't choose her and chose Monica, I would be happy and I won't regret it for the rest of my life,' she thought angrily as she walked towards the dining table.

"Good Morning, Bryana," said Kareen with a warm smile.

Bryana was forced to return the smile because she couldn't hide her dislike for Kareen. She turned to look at Sofia who had finished eating.

"You go first, Sofia. waiting for Calvin will make you late because your school is further away," she exclaimed as she sat down at the dining table chair right next to Sofia.