Seducing a wife who misses touch

When night at ten o'clock to be exact, Bryana felt uncomfortable because she was in the room alone. The pregnant woman began to feel hot and tight due to her growing pregnancy. She tilted to the right, to the left to seek comfort but could not.

"Oh my God, it's so hot." Bryana finally sat up and got out of bed. She walked out of the room and down the stairs to the ground floor. 'Dean is also outrageous, why isn't overtime over at this hour? Raymond also didn't give any news that he had arrived in Bandung or not."

Bryana glanced at the atmosphere of the house, which seemed deserted because the other occupants were probably already asleep except for the bodyguards who got the night watch. She walked down a not-so-long hallway from the living room to the study which was located close to the children's playroom.

Arriving at the study, Bryana sighed while looking at Dean who was sitting while focusing on staring at the laptop. She immediately approached her husband.