Battered bride

"AGHHH DAMN IT!" Raymond exclaimed while kicking the teenager who suddenly came hitting a rock on his forehead while he was focusing on fighting Kareen's brother.

Dean, who was fighting another teenager, ran over to Raymond and beat the teenager who was about to beat up Raymond who was injured.

"Get back in the car!" cried Dean anxiously.

with his head slowly bleeding, Raymond continued to fight the teenagers who attacked him, attacking Dean and the other Bodyguards blindly. Hmm, maybe they don't use martial arts techniques at all.

until a few minutes of fierce fighting in the middle of the road took place, finally Raymond and his entourage managed to make the gang of juvenile delinquents lie on the asphalt with their faces battered and some injured. At that time, the police who were contacted by Bryana arrived and immediately handcuffed the injured juvenile delinquents.