Everyone mad at Dean

At night, Dean was sitting relaxed on the front porch of the house. He looked at the moon which was shining quite brightly, only a few stars seemed to shine around the lonely moon. The man was silent in longing for his family and the atmosphere at home.

Dean remembers, at night, he usually spends time with his kids and wife by watching TV, sometimes chatting with the bodyguards, sometimes also working late in the workspace.

"Jil..maybe you are willing to live hard with me if I come and invite you to live in simplicity? Because I don't want to enjoy your father's wealth." Dean monologued with himself. He is considering Mike's advice, suggesting to be in the field of athletes, living in peace with his wife and kids.

"Dean," someone called.

Dean turned and looked at Niko who came up to him then sat beside him. "You have not slept?"

"I can't sleep," Niko said nervously, then glanced at Dean. "I thought about your fate."