Feeling not good

Bryana looked sadly at her father who was very concerned. Lying limply on an inpatient bed with white sheets, oxygen, IV, and other equipment were attached to his chest to help him survive. That's how Stevan is.

The sound of the heart rate monitor echoed so clearly in the silent room, that even Bryana and Dean had to wear special clothes when they entered the room to see Stevan.

"Dad ..." Bryana whispered, holding Stevan's hand.

"The doctor said that his life expectancy is very slim because the injuries are quite severe and the disease cannot be controlled anymore," said Dean, who was still standing behind the wheelchair where Bryana was sitting.

Brianna shook her head with tears in her eyes. "No, you have to fight and have the spirit to stay alive. You have to see Aidyn, take him to play with Calvin and Sofia. Just as you have dreamed of," she said sadly.