Incident in the morning

In the morning, Bryana and Dean were about to go to the hospital but they took Calvin and Sofia to school first. They went to Calvin's school first, then to Sofia's school which was further away from home.

Now, Bryana and Dean have arrived at Sofia's school. they got out of the car and took the little girl to enter the schoolyard which was already seen in the kindergarten students lining up before entering class.

Bryana smiled crookedly looking at the school that used to look sad, now it looks nicer and more comfortable, of course, it's because of the help from her and Monica who monitored the renovations.

"Would you like to meet the principal here?" Dean asked as he carried Sofia through the gates. The man looks dashing in his casual attire in the form of black jeans combined with a white t-shirt showing his stout sleeves, combing his hair in a haircut style, and wearing a necklace with a lock on it.