Anger and jealousy

Carlos approached Elsa and gently caressed her cheek by looking at her so sadly. "Elsa. If Alex doesn't make you comfortable, tell me. I will be the first person to make you comfortable and happy. The door to my heart is always open for you."

"Don't overdo it, Carlos. I can't promise a future with you. I need to think long," Elsa exclaimed as she brushed Carlos' hand away and then continued her activities to clean up.

"I know you love Alex very much, but I hope that if you can't be together anymore, you're willing to be with me," Carlos said sadly.

Elsa was silent, then walked to the table near the sofa to take her branded red bag. She opened the bag and took out her smartphone.

"Gosh. He must be very angry," Elsa muttered when she saw that there had been so many calls from Alex since last night.

"If he dares to be rude to you, you should tell me. You are like this because of me, so I will be responsible!" Carlos shouted firmly.