Attacked and injured

In the afternoon after visiting hospitals and babysitting foundations, Fin took Dean and Bryana who of course brought Aidyn home. He drove the car casually, occasionally smiling glancing at the couple behind him from the glass above. 'You guys look harmonious. Just watch, there will be a surprise soon,' he thought with an evil grin.

In the passenger seat, Dean rested his head on Bryana's shoulder, who was sitting while Aidyn sleeping on her lap. he was spoiled because he also felt unwell and even always felt nauseous after every meal. Ouch, he's like a pregnant woman, but the male version.

"I'll cook something special later so you don't feel sick anymore," Bryana muttered.

"I have no appetite," said Dean.

"But you have to keep eating or you will continue like this. looks weak and doesn't look like my husband," said Bryana, glancing at Dean, who seemed to be taking advantage of illness as an opportunity to be spoiled.