Husband's Feeling

Until Fin waited a few minutes, finally two cars stopped in front of the house. Four bodyguards immediately got out of the car, then approached Fin who was already standing in front of the house. They immediately entered the house, looked at Bryana and also Dany who was still unconscious on the sofa.

"Take that man and this bag away somewhere. Wreck him with the car!" Fin exclaimed with a straight look as he handed Bryana's car keys and bag.

"Yes, sir," said one of the bodyguards who was stout but no more so than Dean or Fin.

"One of you must be with me," Fin called again.

"Yes sir."

The three bodyguards took Dany into Bryana's car then one of them drove it, while two of them got into another car. I don't know what will happen to Dany. I hope he realizes he is in danger soon.