Woman mood

Elsa just woke up and glanced to the side where there was usually Carlos who always slept with her, but not at this time. It turned out that since last night her husband had not slept with her. The room she was currently in was still very messy filled with the contents of the pillows that were broken last night scattered on the floor and around the bed.

The woman sat up and stared lazily at the atmosphere of the room. She brushed her hair back then massaged her temples. Suddenly she felt she had to get out of bed and walk to the bathroom because her stomach suddenly felt sick. Ah, that must be the result of the young pregnancy she is currently experiencing.

After vomiting which was only a clear liquid, Elsa breathed a sigh of relief and leaned her head against the metallic bathroom wall. "Where is he? Could it be that he spent the night in the apartment with Vania? How dare he, he should have stayed with me and understood my feelings!"