Under the shower

In the bathroom, under the shower, Dean and Bryana chatted naked. They giggled and took turns rubbing their bodies using a sponge filled with liquid soap. Occasionally they kiss and tease each other touching their sensitive parts.

"Looks like your hair needs to be shampooed," Bryana muttered then reached out to reach the shelf that provided toiletries. She took the shampoo and poured it into the palm of her hand, then rubbed it through Dean's hair. "I feel like I'm bathing a big baby."

"Do you think I'm not?" Dean also took the shampoo and ran it through Bryana's long, beautiful hair. He stared at his wife's shiny body from the foam from the shampoo and soap, making him feel even more lustful and instead of squeezing her slippery chest.

Bryana turned to hold Dean's cock which was very tense like a gun ready to pierce the defense. She looked up kissing her husband's lips while massaging his very slippery cock.