Find out Carlos' affair

At noon, Vania came to Carlos's office with Vano because she didn't have a babysitter who could take care of her son. she walked, carrying her son and carrying a red bag, down the corridor to the elevator that would take her to the ninth floor where her husband's room was.

When she was about to enter the elevator, Vania saw a woman who looked impolite and didn't look like an employee getting out of the elevator and just walked away without greeting her, unlike other employees who were always polite to her as Carlos' second wife.

"Who's she?" Vania looked at the woman slowly out of sight because the elevator door was closed.

"Could it be she...?" Vania began to suspect that the woman was Veronica whom Max said was Carlos's mistress. She immediately reached into her jeans pocket to take out her phone and sent a message via WhatsApp to Max.

_please send a photo of a woman named Veronica right now_