leaving Carlos and Bryana will give birth

Johan got off the bed and went straight to Carlos and pressed him in the stomach, punching him in the face many times without giving him a chance to fight back. The burly bodyguard was so emotional, he couldn't accept that Elsa almost died because of his master.

"Son of a bitch! How could you kill your wife, the mother of your child!" Johan growled then punched Carlos in the face again and again.

Buhhh bughhh bughhh...

"Johan, stop it!" Elsa exclaimed who was now sitting on the edge of the bed. "You can kill him if you keep beating him!"

"He deserved to die because he was a shameless man, . . . son of a bitch!" said Johan with a sharp look at Carlos. He gasped for breath then got up, planted his feet on Carlos' chest.

The battered Carlos narrowed his eyes at Johan. He felt pain and wonder why the Bodyguard was in his room wearing casual clothes.