It’s around one in the afternoon that the meeting comes to an end. Both Liliane and Raemon are already bored out of their mind and couldn’t be more thankful that it ended.
Leona doesn’t waste much time in leaving the council with their meaningless small after chats. She bids good bye to the Emperor and Prince before walking out; Liliane and Raemon following not far behind.
It wasn’t until they were out of the room that Marbethta and Caelum notices their absent. The two bid their goodbyes to their respectful chatting partners, before hurrying to meet up with Leona.
“That was rude of you to leave like that Leona.” Marbethta comments, giving her granddaughter a patronizing look.
“Oh, you remembered my real name today.” The heiress dryly says, a deadpan look in her eyes. Her reply has her grandmother frowning and Leona could literally feel it.
With an internal roll of her eyes, the teen continues.
“My job is to ensure that the Emperor and the council don’t misuse their power. I am not there to play house with them.” The heiress drawls smoothly, face expressionless.
“But still.”
Leona comes to a halt, her siblings following her lead. Marbethta and Caelum have to also stop at the sudden halt in her steps. Leona turns back, an emotionless look in her eye as she looks at them.
“I think I’ve quiet enough of your annoying voices for today. It’s honestly getting on my nerves. And I’m not the only one who feels the same.” Marbethta frowns at her words, while Caelum sputters in indignation. “Thankfully, we part here. I bid you both a good afternoon.”
She inclines her head before making a move to turn but was stop by Marbethta once again.
“And where are you headed to?” Marbethta speaks up, taking a step forward. “Just because you skipped school today does not mean that you are not obligated to study.”
Leona eyes narrows in annoyance. The heiress was about to speak but Liliane cuts her short by placing a hand on her shoulders before getting up in the other two faces.
“Where my sister goes or what she does is none of your business, Marbethta.”
“Actually, it is.” Marbethta folds her arms, staring right into the Redmoon’s eyes. “I am her official guardian, on and off paper.”
“And that can change.” Raemon, who has taken another dose of his potion two hours prior, says with a bored, uninterested look. Although, the glint in his chilling grey eyes says otherwise. “Permanently.”
His statement makes both mother and son take cautionary steps backwards, gulping in fear.
When Raemon makes a treat, he sees to its fulfilment. The young man isn’t to be angered.
Leona heaves a sigh under her breath, feeling a headache coming on. “You two, enough.” She says sharply, fingers pinching the bridge of her nose. “It’s too early to kill anybody. Nevertheless in broad daylight and before so many curious gossips.” She flicks her finger at the people who are trying so hard to eavesdrop on them.
Liliane’s scowl melts from her face, an impassive mask - although not as impressive as Raemon’s usual look – being plastered on. For being a hot head, Liliane sure knows the time to be calm.
“To answer your question, grandmother, I am heading over to the Royal Library. I have things to research over. Things that doesn’t concern you or anyone.” She says with a flat tone, an equally blank expression on her face. “And guardian or not, where I go is none of your concern. I only see my siblings as my rightful guardians, not you. You are just a legal cover up, nothing more.” This was all said with a cold tone. “Now, if you will excuse us, we have somewhere to be.” And with that, she turns around, continuing her journey.
The trio walk in comfortable silence. Seeing as it is noon, people are going and coming. Once again, the trio was subjected to many looks, Liliane more than them.
It is strange seeing a woman dress so… less. In Durien, it’s hard to see women dressing like Liliane. With how uptight the Empire is, Leona is surprised they haven’t made laws banning women for wearing what they want. And being the capital of Empire, it isn’t surprising that Liliane is getting looks. But knowing her sister, the woman didn’t give a damn about their opinions.
“So, what made you stand up for the alchemist?” Liliane asks, eyes still on the road.
“Why wouldn’t I vouch for him? The man has just created something extraordinary!” Leona replies, a grin on her face. “Just imagine Lily! This ‘technology’ he invented will bring in a new era! The middle and low class citizens won’t have to pay thousands of Durin to get a lighting crystal. Instead of candles and crystals, there will be lights in the night and it will be for everybody! And not only that, it will improve the use of Birthing Orbs! Oh, the possibilities are simply endless! Oh, I just can’t wait to start working with him and his crew on the project!” She represses a squeal. Well, mostly.
Her siblings could see that it was taking all her will to not spin or hop in excitement.
Their journey is filled with Leona talking excitedly, not caring that people are staring at her weirdly. The library is still up ahead, the Academy not far from it, big in all its glory.
They reach the small market area, where variety of things, mostly foods, are being sold. It was this area the students come when they close from school to buy some things.
A shed caught her eyes and Leona gives it a glance before forcefully removing her eyes. Her siblings caught her look and they sigh under their breath in exasperation, giving each other a pointed look.
Without Leona noticing – the teen is still encouraging herself not to turn back and get some snacks – Raemon breaks from the group and walks up to some sheds. He buys three small boxes of hot Foaris Balls (it’s a snack which has a ball of meat, which has been shredded and mixed in variety of spices, rolled in a puffy pastry and deep fried. The buyer can chose what they want to be spread on it).
For Liliane, he chooses the ten balls to be covered with a thin layer of honey, a sprinkle of cinnamon and chunks of fried coconut shredding. For Leona, hers were covered with thick apple syrup and chunks of fresh and also dried and sweetened blueberry chunks. And for himself, Raemon got his only covered with cinnamon syrup.
The assassin balances the boxes on one hand –making sure it’s from Leona’s box down to his - before walking away to another shed. He buys three flavor drinks in metal bottles, paying and thanking the woman before carrying the bag. He teleports to his sisters' side, behaving as if he never left.
Leona is shaken out of her thoughts by the scent of the Foaris Balls. The teen takes in a deep sniff, head turning toward its direction. She’s met with Raemon’s amused eyes, hands filled with items.
“What?” Leona pauses in her steps, as did her siblings, blinking in confusion. “What are you holding?”
“For being a top student, you sure are dense, Lena.” Raemon chuckles under his breath. Leona pouts at his reply, crossing her arms petulantly. “Well, little sister, these are snacks for us. Your favorite.”
Leona uncrosses her arms, looking at the boxes hesitantly. Besides her, Liliane sighs in exasperation.
“Honestly Lena, just take it.” The brunet grabs the top box - getting a nod from Raemon when she sends a questioning look - and hands it over to Leona, who collects the box hesitantly. “I know you are worried about our weight, but you are fine Lena! Your body is different from ours, so don’t overdo it by trying to copy our diets.”
A look of surprise takes over Leona expression, making her siblings to cock an unimpressed brow.
“Yes, we know.”
The teen diverts her eyes in embarrassment, making the two to heave exasperated sighs under their breathes.
Liliane places a hand on her head, giving her hair a little ruffle. “Not everyone’s body is the same sis.” She continues. “I and Ramon’s bodies are parallel to each other, just like how ours are parallel to yours. Don’t starve yourself all in the name of trying to gain a body like ours, Lena. Yours is perfect the way it is. All cute and chubby~" Liliane coos, pinching Leona’s cheek and getting a squawk from the teen.
Liliane chuckles at the irritated look her sister gives her. "Besides, you are fifteen; a teenager. It’s at this point in time that you need those food the more. You are still growing and will continue to grow. Don’t rush it. Just moderately eat your snacks and be happy, kid.” She ruffles her hair again, a soft smile on her lips.
Leona gives a curt nod, staring shyly at her siblings through the strands of her hair.
“Good.” Liliane grins, collecting her own box. “Now, let’s leave the middle of the road before these pompous prats kills us with their stare.”
Leona snorts at that, rolling her eyes her sister’s dramatics.
The trio continues their journey, eating along the way. Before they got to the Library’s ground, they finished their snacks and drinks, disposing the trash in the rightful waste bins. They walk to the doors, which opens on their own.
“Whoa, whoa! Where do two think you are going?”
Leona holds her hands in a stop motion, raising an eyebrow at her siblings.
“You two have things to do.”
Her siblings mirror her brow, eyes questioning.
“Lily, you still have a missive to send to Aerianna, and Raemon, you also have to send a missive confirming that you accepted your mission. And you both are going to do so; now. I want my peace and quiet as I read and I so do not want you both breathing down my neck. Now go.”
The teen points a finger behind them, giving them a sharp glare.
The two adults look at her with amused eyes. Once again, they acquiesced to her order. Liliane flicks her nose while Raemon gives her a small smile (how does he do that and at the same thing keep his emotionless mask? How?!). With a last look telling her to be safe (it’s a library for Helma’s sake -_-), her siblings walk off.
Leona puffs out a breath of relief before walking into the library, doors shutting close behind her.