"I found Noth in the hallway," I said looking at Nen and she shot her eyes at me,
"And?" she asked smiling,
"He talked to me Nen can you believe it after all these years of being ghosted he actually talked to me," I said and drank a sip of my water,
"Oh my God it actually took him all these years to grow up," she said laughing,
"Yes but it is too late, do you know when he talked I could not believe it I looked around thinking he was talking to someone else even though he said my name I could not believe it Nen," I said and she laughed even more,"I actually feel sorry for me yes he is my friend but he lost his chance and he had made up his mind at the last moment," she said and looked at her cup of tea,
"And only the Lord knows what he will do when he realizes that he lost his chance to Farath," she added looking at me
. . . . .
Zod is Tenia's second in command, Tenia is etocrite queen
Zod (narration)
We arrived in the Karan tribe territory and the queen assembled the etocrite army, Tenia worked with the Karan leader on many occasions and I doubt the citizens of the Karan tribe had an idea of what was happening in their tribe, we met with Sera too at the Karan border, the Karan tribe was next to the Hnerez so it was easier to target from the Karan border,
"Do you have what I requested?" Tenia asked Sera who looked at her people and then looked back at the queen,
"I am sorry my queen but we don't have it yet the person who I sent has not yet delivered," she replied looking down,
The queen looked at her and got up from her seat and walked to her slowly, I knew what was going to happen, she does not like failure, it is what she hates the most,
"You had one simple job to do, just the one and you come telling me you do not have what I asked for," she said looking at Sera, she looked so terrified it is like she knew she was going to die
"I gave you three years, three years!!!" she added shouting and the whole room went dead silent,
She grabbed her stuff and used the end to stab Sera, she made sure it went through to her back, blood came out of Sera's mouth and she dropped dead, the rest of the people were very scared you could see it on their faces,
"Failure sickens me!!" she said shouting and looked down at Sera's body pushing her white hair back,
"Zod bring me that metal," she said walking back to her seat and signaled for one etocrite to remove Sera's body and dismissed everyone,
"You know that tribe has a protection cover which does not allow access to anyone outside," I said looking at her, and she smiled,
"That is not a problem," she replied smiling at me, oh what is she going to do now
. . . . .
We reached the border line between Karan and Hnerez, Tenia raised her stuff and aimed at the center between, the stuff helped open the border for sometime,
"Zod do not disappoint me," she said touching my cheek slightly and I looked back one more time before entering the Hnerez territory,
When I got in the territory I shape shifted into a human to avoid being seen, I then took the road to the city
. . . . .
Tenia (narration)
With Zod being gone I had to gather the etocrite warriors, he was my only second in command and no one else, and once I got a hold of that metal that everyone keeps praising I would not be defeated, everytime I go to sleep the last thing I think of is Karth he is all I ever wanted, I did not admit to anyone but when I first saw him I knew I wanted him and we became lovers but he abandoned me and I had to do everything to get his attention even if it was me being the most evil person, I wanted to do it, all this war I did only for Karth I was even better looking than that Nen, I waged war on his tribe just to get the little attention from his and it helps with the army I have,
I looked down at my etocrite army and a smile spread on my face, all we are waiting for is the metal and I can fully break that protection cover they think is protecting them from everything,
. . . . .
Zod (narration)
I looked around and saw a lady sitting with two children I am guessing were hers, I knew she was an easy target she would tell me everything I wanted to know, I walked up to her,
"Hello do you know where I can find the closest path to the city?" I asked nicely,
"Oh you can take the train but it will be back in three hours, the train is the easiest means," she replied truthfully,
"I do not have a single penny, please help me," I said acting sad and determined to achieve my goal,
To be honest I was surprised when she handed me a few coins, no one has ever been so caring to even look at me, or wait I did look human and I tried my hardest to act like them, it was hard but I got my self a few coins so I guess the acting was good,
She smiled and told me the train would be arriving anytime soon I just had to be patient,
"Thank you very much, I appreciate this," I said and touched the coins slightly,
She smiled again and said a welcome to me, she then told me to sit by the cover shelter and wait, and I did just that
. . . . .
It had just been two hours since I last talked to the nice lady I hoped she did not suspect anything but I cannot blame her, if I were her I would definitely be suspicious because how can someone who belongs to the tribe not know where or how to get to the city, but maybe she was too nice to even think bad of anyone, I sat patiently and waited for the last hour to end for the train to arrive,
I looked around at the people of the Hnerez tribe, they lived a peaceful life, life was like a waterfall in this part of the tribe, peaceful and smooth, and no one came and stressed you about you could be sitting alone, everyone knew to mind their own business,
The peace made me think of my tribe, just because we were creatures, well sort of, everyone in the state assumed we were monsters, they always hid from us, treated us like we were there to kill them but the honest truth was that we were just like the humans, yes we were a different species but we were just like them, and they were quick to judge,
So when Tenia came around, my brothers who were nice were easily turned by her evil ways, she made sure she told them the brutal truth, how humans treated us, how they did not trust us, how they thought of us deadly, she was able to get to their heads and they believed her, not me though, she had failed to convince me that the humans were the worst
The Dargoth are not bad but humans can never understand that even if you were to explain it fully but I vowed to end the queen and I will die doing that