Chapter 2

I woke up the next morning getting ready to go to where Yakov is at. I went to go check on mom and she was still asleep. I went down stairs and started breakfast for her. Breakfast was being made when the doorbell rang. I finished the bacon that was on the stove.

"Coming." I yelled.

I went to the door to see who it was. I opened the door to see an old man.

"Can I help you, sir?" I asked.

"Yes, is your mother home?" He asked sweetly.

"She is. She isn't up yet. Come in. I'm making breakfast."

The older man and a blonde hair boy followed him. As I walked into the kitchen mom was at the stove trying to make breakfast with eggs.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"I'm finishing breakfast."

She turned and spotted the old man.

"Nikolai, what are you doing here?" She said with a big smile on her face. Does she know that old man? Maybe yes.

"I came to see how you were doing and wasn't expecting to see you back in Russia.

By the way do you remember Yuri?" Nikolai said showing the blonde boy next to him.

"I do. Cordina, this is Nikolai and his grandson Yuri." Mum said pointing her hand at the old man and his grandson.

I looked over to the boy and my anger grew.

"YOU?" I said pointing my index finger at him.

He looked up at me.

"YOU." He said with an angry face and raising one of his eyebrows.

My mom pulled the eggs off the stove and got in between us.

"You both know each other?" She said with a questioning look.

"Kinda, you remember I was talking to a guy yesterday back in the airport." I said, reminding her of yesterday's incident.

"Yeah." She said, nodding her head.

"He was that guy." I said pointing my finger at him.

"Hey I'm not 'that guy'." He said with air quotes.

"I've a name, it's Yuri. And you weren't talking to me, you were shouting at me." He said with the same arrogant behavior.

If mom and his grandfather weren't present there, I swear he would be admitted to the hospital with bruises all over his face. I started clenching my fist, I opened the mouth to speak but Nikolai spoke first.

"Yuri, behave yourself." He said looking at Yuri with a bit of anger in his face.

I guess that's enough for him.

"But grandpa, it was her fault yesterday, she bumped into me and she was shouting at me." He said pointing his index finger to me and saying it in a Please-believe-me way.

I couldn't tolerate it not anymore. I've to speak for myself.

"I said sorry and you replied in an arrogant way." I said with a bit of an angry tone.

"Cordina enough. I know your short-temper." Mom said, giving a death glare.

"And Yuri, I know your behavior too." He said looking at Yuri.

"It looks like it was both of yours fault." Nikolai said looking at each other.

"Yes, now apologise to each other." Mom said.

We both glared at each other. Both of us don't want to say sorry. Especially me.

"Now." His grandpa said, giving angry looks to both of us.

"Sorry." Yuri and I said it in a unison.

"Good now, go and sit at the dining table." Mom said.

We both went and sat on the chairs at the dining table opposite to each other.

"Kids nowadays." Nikolai said, sighing.

"Yeah." Mom said, sighing too.

"Let's have breakfast." Mom said with a smile.

Nikolai helped Mom to serve the breakfast at the table. They both sat next to us.

We all started having breakfast, mom and Nikolai were talking about the old times back then when dad and mom were in Russia.

When it came to me and Yuri. We were giving death glares to each other while eating silently and planning on beating the crap out of each other in our heads.

How I know what he thinks, maybe because we both have the same opinion on each other. We all completed our breakfast.

"It was nice meeting you Lilie and Cordina. Come visit next time we'll have lunch together." Nikolai said with a smile.

Nikolai was so good and a respectable person quite opposite to his grandson, unlike he wasn't arrogant. I wish Yuri learned something from his Grandpa.

"Sure, we would love to." Mom said with a big smile.

Nikolai and Yuri left the house. I closed the door and turned towards mom and saw she's staring at me folding her hands to her chest.

"What?" I said going towards her.

"What what? Is that how you behave in front of guests?" She said with a bit of an angry tone.

"You saw him too. And yesterday, I admitted it was my fault and I apologised but he was arrogant and rude." I said in a pissed tone.

"I told you to control your short temper. It's not good to get angry at pity things." She said.

"I know, I'll try." I said, in a calm tone.

Trust me it's the only way and also the best way to avoid getting into an argument with moms, especially with my mom. Dad taught me.

"Good." She said in a calm tone.

Told you it works all the time.

"I'll go wash the dishes." I said and went into the kitchen to wash the dishes.

I finished the dishes and went to my room to get ready to meet Yakov in a few hours.

'I might as well go and see if they have a place to practice my gymnastics.' I thought.

I called Anastisia. She answered the call after a few rings.

"Hello, Cordina." Ananstasia said.

"Coach, did you find a place to start gymnastics classes?" I asked, hoping she would say 'yes'.

"Yeah, I found it. I'll send you the location." She said, mostly with a big smile.

"Okkay." I said with a happy face.

"You coming now?" She asked, I mean sure she's excited to me like I am excited to see her.

"Yeah, I'll be there in 10 minutes" I said, with a smile and ended the call.

I went to search for mum so I can tell mum about going and visiting Anastasia. I looked for her and found her in the living room.

"Mum, I'm going to meet my coach," I said, going towards mum.

"Which coach?" Mum said with a smile on her face.

She always finds a way to annoy me.

"Anastasia, she sent her academy location, after meeting her I'll go straight to Mr. Yakov's academy." I said.

"Okkay, take care and do well in figure skating." She said.

Well that was encouraging.....a bit.

" Okkay bye, mum." I said and kissed her forehead and came out of the house.

I found a cab within 5 minutes and gave the driver the location Anastasia sent me.

I reached there in no time. I came out of the car, well the academy was quite good.

I entered through the main door searching for Anastasia and found her talking with a man, maybe he's the one from whom she took the area to keep an academy on lease.

I let her finish her conversation with that man. After she ended the conversation I went towards her.

"Coach." I said trying not to scare her. Oh, she gets scared easily.

She turned towards me and gave a big smile.

"Cordina." She said and hugged me. I hugged her back.

"So good to see you." She said breaking the hug.

"Me too coach." I said with a smile, she's the only good thing that happened till now.

"How is Lilie?" She said with a smile.

"Mum's at home. When did you come?" I said.

"Last night, I hate journeys, they leave me exhausted, I'm feeling sleepy even now." She saw with a tired look.

Damn, she looked really tired.

"The academy looks great. The place is huge." I said looking around.

"Yeah and so was the lease." She said in a funny way. But it didn't feel funny, it felt like she got to spend more money on this.

"So, when will you start the academy." I asked, trying to change the topic. The situation became awkward here.

"Tomorrow. What about you? Did you find it god?" She asked.

I was happy to listen to the word 'tomorrow', but my mood changed into irritation with the following words. Why? Well because it reminded me of that blonde haired arrogant idiot.

"You seem pissed off?" She asked, looking at me. I guess my face was pretty obvious.

"Nothing much, as soon as I came out of the airport I ran into an arrogant idiot and found him in the house today. The only thing that happened good yesterday was meeting Mr. Yakov." I said trying to control my frustration.

"You mean 'The Mr. Yakov', greatest ice skating coach?" she asked with a surprised look.

"Yes, he came to receive us at the airport." I said.

"Cool, no wonder he came, your dad was his favorite student." She said, reminding me of dad.

"Yeah." I said with a small smile.

"You wanted to learn figure skating, why don't you join his academy?" She asked, I knew she would ask this question as soon as I tell Mr. Yakov's name.

"I did, he said he will keep a test to know how my basics are and then if he feels I've potential to learn he'll accept me as his student." I said with a tensed voice.

"You seem tense, don't be, you'll do great in that. I believe in you." She said trying to encourage me.

Well of course I'll be tense, there's no point in telling me not to tense.

"Thanks coach, I'll try my best." I said with a smile. Only I know that the smile was fake.

When you were tense and nervous as hell, how can you expect me to smile so normally. It will be a fake one for sure.

"At what time you should go?" She asked, reminding me of the time which I apparently lost track of.

"At 4." I said checking the time on my phone. Great, there's still one hour left. I'm relieved.