Chapter 4

"I thought you were into gymnastics, but you seem to be interested in figure skating too." He said, trying to end the awkward silence.

"Dad told you about gymnastics, didn't he?" I asked with a smile.

"Maybe he misses telling us about himself, but he never misses telling about you"

" What did he tell you about me?"

"He would talk about how you loved gymnastics and that you wanted to be like him. And every single detail about you, he speaks a lot about you." he said, with a smile.

"I wish I can spend more time with him." I said with a bit of a sad tone, I miss him everyday.

"We all wish the same Cordina. He's a really good person and a good friend." He said ruffling my hair.

We both stayed silent for a couple of minutes remembering dad, when my phone rang. I checked it and it was mum. She must be worried. I excused myself and went aside to answer the call.

"Hello mum."

"Cordina where are you?" Mum said, she's worried.

"In the academy, I'm starting now." I said, trying to avoid any sort of argument with mum.

"Okkay, dinner's ready, come fast."

"Okkay." I said and ended the call.

I went back to Victor and saw him smiling.

"It was Lilie right?" He said.


"You should go home fast, your mum's anger is way too much to bear" He said, reminding me of mum's angry face.

"I'll see you tomorrow, bye." I said and picked up my stuff.

"A small advice, next time tie your hair for practice, don't leave it like that." He said, pointing his finger at my loose and messed up hair. I really need to take care of my hair, it looks dry and dull.

"Okkay, thanks, I'll remember it." I said with a smile.

After saying goodbye to Victor, I rushed out of the academy. I came out looking for cabs, there were no cabs around me, so I picked my phone and tried to book a cab.

I was looking at my phone trying to book a cab and was walking forward. I didn't realise what was in front of me until I bumped into someone's chest.

I moved my head back only to realise my messy hair got tangled in his chain.

"Ugh." I winced in pain.

I tried to remove it from my hands, but the guy I bumped into held my hands and stopped me.

"Stop, you're gonna break my chain." He said holding both of my hands.

Somehow the voice felt similar. It felt like I heard the voice somewhere.

"I'll do it, wait." He said and was trying to remove my hair from the chain.

He pulled my hair so roughly that I'm sure a few stands will be in his hands.

"Ouch, you're pulling it too hard." I said, whining in pain.

He stayed silent for a while and he wasn't trying to untangle my hair. After a few seconds I felt my hair loose when I took a look at my hair, I saw he removed the chain and gave it to me.

"Untangle it." He said giving me his chain.

I untangle my hair, when I saw the chain to remove my hair strands but instead my eyes saw a small cheetah pendant hanging to the chain. I held the pendant and started looking at it closely.

Why does this pendant look familiar? It looks like I saw it somewhere but I can't quite remember it. I was looking at it when a hand came and took it from my hands.

I looked up to see the owner of that pendant. I facepalmed myself in my head when I saw his face. No wonder the voice felt similar. It was the same arrogant jerk Yuri.

Why does god hate me so much that everytime I bump into someone it is Yuri and what sin I've committed to bump into him again. I get a headache everytime I quarrel with him. Why does it have to be him? Why?. I screamed inside my head.

"When will you learn to use your eyes while walking?" He said looking at me in the same arrogant manner.

But I wasn't paying attention to his words, I'm bored listening to his bullshit. All my attention was on the pendant in his hands.

"Ugh, your blonde hair is all over my chain. You won't use your eyes at least try using hair ties." He said while removing my hair strands from his chain.

"The pendant....." I said looking at the pendant. I know I saw it somewhere but I can't quite remember it.

"Yes it's a pendant. I can't argue with you again. I'm sick of arguing." He said and walked away while wearing the chain around his neck.

While he was gone, I stood there thinking about the pendant. I came to my senses when some idiot horned beside me while driving his car. I cursed him inside my head and booked the cab.

It took 10 minutes for the cab to reach me and it took a hell a lot of 30 minutes to reach home. I walked towards the front door and I can sense my mum's anger from here.

I slowly opened the door and saw mum sitting in the living room waiting for me. I went towards her and kept my hand on her shoulder.

"I called you 1 hour ago to come home. Where the hell were you?" Mum said with an angry tone.

"Sorry mum. I was about to return as soon as the class was dismissed, then I met Victor and we were talking about dad and all, then you called. I rushed out as soon as I ended the call but there were no cabs and then after 10 minutes I got a cab so I booked it online and then he took 10 minutes to reach me and it took 30 minutes to come here. I'm sorry." I said and started breathing.

All that wasn't a lie, it's the truth she needs to hear. The fight between Yuri and I in the academy and my encounter with that person outside, it's not her concern. Well frankly speaking those aren't my concern either, so I skipped those parts.

"Okkay, but next time if you come late I'll ground you for 2 weeks. Understood?" She said with a slight angry tone.

"Totally." I said nodding my head.

"Good, now wash your hands and come for dinner." She said while going towards the dining table.

"Okkay." I said and went inside my room and got fresh-up. I came downstairs and sat on one of the chairs at the dining table. We both started having our dinner.

"You said you met Victor right?" She said.

"Yes, it seems like he knows me too well. He said he's one of dad's friends." I said while chewing my food.

"Is that Victor Nikiforvo?" She said, looking at me for an answer.

"How am I supposed to know his last name. I met him just a couple of hours ago." I said looking at my food plate.

"Okkat, tell me how does he look?" She asked. Why is she desperate to know who he is?

"A tall guy, fair skin, grey hair with bangs covering his left eye…...hmmm....yeah he has light blue eyes." I said, trying to remember what he looks like.

"He's Victor Nikiforov" She said with a smile on her face. I'm happy to see her smile but why does it look creepy at the same time?

"Maybe he talked to me like he knew me since I was born." I said.

"It's because he knew you right from the beginning, he was one of your dad's closest friends." She said, with a big smile.

It looks like her smiling face is not gonna stop for quite some time.

"Dad does have a lot of friends here, while I made an enemy right after stepping in Russia." I said in a quiet tone.

"You said something?" Mum asked. Phew, she didn't listen to my words.

"Nothing. You look very happy when I mentioned his name." I said trying to change the topic.

"Why wouldn't I be? He's a friend of mine too. I thought he was in Japan. If I knew he's still in Russia, I would've come with you to visit him at the academy." She said.

"He was in Japan earlier?" I said with a doubtful face.

"Yeah, to be with his Fiance." She said.

"Fiance? That means he got engaged?" I asked with a whole curious face.

"Yeah, a few years ago. You should see his finance. He is really cute and handsome." She said.

"Oh, what's his name?" I asked. You know one can't stop their curiosity until it gets fully fed by the information it wants.

"Yuuri. He's really handsome, they both are cute together." She said with a smile. My mind went blank for a second.

"Isn't Yuri younger than Victor?" I asked. I didn't know that arrogant Yuri can love someone apart from himself.

"Not much, just a few years. Last time I met Victor, he said he will go to Japan and spend some time with Yuri."

"But Yuri is here." I said. Everything is so hard to take. I thought Yuri was of my age, he's way older than he looks.

"Wait, what? Yuuri is in Russia? " She said with a surprised look.

"Come on mum, you saw him in the morning, he came with his grandpa." I said, reminding him of the morning scenario.

"Wait a second. Cordina what Yuri are you talking about?" She asked with a questioning face.

"The one who came this morning, you know the blonde hair guy, I had a fight yesterday at the airport, remember?" I said filling and giving all the details.

Mum laughed after listening to that. I was sitting there all confused while mum was laughing looking at me.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You got wrong Yuri." She said while chuckling.

"There are 2 Yuri's?" I asked with a confused look.

At that moment I realised one thing, I was dumb, stupid and idiot at the same time.

"Yes, the one you saw in the morning was 'Yuri Plisetsky' and the one Victor got engaged to is 'Yuri Katsuki'." She said with a smile.

"Oh, I thought the morning blondy is the one who got engaged with Victor."

"Yuri Katsuki is way older than Yuri Plisetsky. You really thought Victor engaged to Yuri who's like 15 years younger than him." She said and started laughing hard.

"Mum stop laughing, I just got confused." I said with a bit of an annoyed tone.

Then I remembered one thing. Have I known Victor before?

"Mum, Did I see Victor before? Like he came to meet us or did we come to Russia before?" I asked.

"He came to meet us in Germany but not too often. But we came to Russia on holidays once, then your father took you to Yakov's academy, Victor was with you too." She said.

"We came to Russia? But why don't I remember it?" I asked with confusion.

Am I sick or do I have some disease like Alizmer or something that I forget things?

"You were like 5 years old my dear. How can you remember that. You barely know what happened 2 years ago." She said with a smile. But why do I feel like she just taunted me?

" Oh okkay. I'm done, I'm going to bed. Bye mum" I said and stood up to go upstairs.

"Okkay, sleep early, goodnight Cordina." She said.

"Goodnight, mum." I said and went straight into my room. I laid on bed and tried to think of the pendant again.

I remembered coming here to dad but the memory is vague. I removed the chain around my neck and looked at the Cheetah pendant.

Why do he and I have the same cheetah pendants? I was thinking about it when I remembered giving a part of my pendant to some kid when I was little and promised to be his friend forever. But I think that memory is from Germany.

I can't clearly remember that kid's face. Is Yuri that kid?. Why would I promise to be a friend to an arrogant boy? It isn't Yuri........I guess. I woke up and sat on the bed scratching my head.

"Ugh......This is giving me a headache." I said scratching my head.

At least it proved I don't have any Alzheimer's or any other diseases. I went into the bathroom, took a shower, laid on bed and slept. I don't wanna think about it anymore. It's such a headache.