Chapter 7

Cordina's P.O.V.

The sun shined bright through my window. I rolled over, but it was short lived when my mother rolled in and opened the blinds to my window. The bright light hit my eyes and I grabbed my blanket. I pulled it over my head, but it was short lived when she pulled it off of me.

"Get up, you don't want to be late for your first day of school."

"I don't want to get up."

"Get up now or else I will pour cold water on you."

"Im up.." I whined.

I started getting dressed for school, really not wanting to go. I unwillingly had my breakfast and mum dropped me at school. I got off from the car and stood in front of the building. It was huge just like the one in Germany. I went inside the building, not knowing where to go.

I mean honestly, it was like a puzzle, with so many identical classrooms. How can a fresher like me go to her classroom?. So instead of looking for my classroom, I started looking for a school management room.

I finally found it, who the hell keeps the management room the same like a classroom? I entered the room and found a man sitting at a desk. I went towards him to ask the directions of my classroom.

"Hello, excuse me." I said, trying to get his attention from the book he's reading to me.

He closed his book and looked at me.

"Yes." He said with a deep voice.

He really looked scary.

"Sir, can you give me the directions of class 11?"

"Oh, so you're the new student?" He said with a smile.

"Yes, sir."

"I'm the class teacher of the class you're looking for. Follow me, I'll take you to the class." He said, while standing up and taking the book he closed earlier.

I simply nodded my head in agreement. I was following him and we were on our way to the classroom. Then the teacher spoke.

"So, your name's Cordina right? If I remember it correctly."

"Yes, sir".


He stopped in front of a classroom. He opened the door only to find students shouting and screaming. Will all the classrooms, the same in this school? I made a confused and whimsical face. The teacher must've seen the expression on my face.

"The students of this class are a bit hyperactive, don't mind them." He said with a small smile.

We both entered the classroom and the students who were standing on the floor and sitting on desks, went back to their places, and the whole class went silent more than a library.

They do fear their class teacher. The teacher went to his position and I stood beside him.

"Students, we have a new member here, her name's Cordina. Hope you all welcome her good."

Wait, what does he mean by the last sentence? I should ask mum to change the school. Is this class or the whole school have pupils like this? It looks like the school of abnormal kids. I was finding excuses to tell mum to change school when the teacher suddenly spoke.

"Cordina, I'll allot a seat and you shouldn't change your place for the whole year. Understood?"

I simply nodded my head in agreement.

"Let me see.........…. Yeah, Otabek please change your seat to a few desks forward, Cordina sit next to him." He said pointing his finger to a blonde haired guy, who kept his head down.

Another blondie? I really wish it wasn't the guy who I really like to punch. The blondie suddenly raised his head, jeez, he was sleeping when from the time the teacher spoke. He didn't even notice the guy missing beside him.

He raised his and there he was the most arrogant and irritating human, I ever saw Yuri. And for the goddamn whole year I've to sit next to him, that's the most unluckiest thing ever happened to me.

After realising his friend missing, he suddenly stood up and asked the teacher with his eyes rubbing.

"Sir, why did Otabek change his seat? You can make her sit next to anyone, why me?"

"Well, Good morning Plisetsky, it's because I know what you two will do if you sit next to each other. I've had enough complaints from other teachers, one more thing: if you sleep in class next time, you'll be receiving detention." He said in a bit of an angry tone.

God should know what Yuri did that makes his teacher get angry this much. Sure, people hate him with every nerve.

"Cordina go and sit next to him."

I slowly went towards him. Why the hell are the girls staring at me like they'll kill me the very next second? I really should stay away from him. I went towards his desk with all the death glares from the girls and sat on the seat next to him.

The moment I sat he started staring at me. I ignored him as well, and the teacher started his lecture. I could barely concentrate on the lecure. It was all because of the blondie next to me.

Why the hell is he staring at me? How can one focus on what the teacher is teaching when the guy next to you is staring at you the whole time? I really want to punch him in the face.

At last, the lecture got completed and the teacher left the class. I barely wrote my notes about the lecture, all thanks to the idiot next to me. It was a free period I guess, all the students started going out and acted like before the teacher came.

When it came to me, I was trying to write my notes but he was still staring at me. I've had enough, I lost my temper, I closed my book and gave a death glare to him.

"Why the hell are you staring at me?" I said with an angry tone.

"Are you following me?" He said while raising one of his eyebrows.

First thing he didn't answer me, second he didn't let me focus on the lecture by staring at me like a creep and third what was that stupid question?

"What the hell? Why would I follow you?"

"Then why did you join the ice skating academy and this school?"

"I joined the academy cos I like ice skating and the school, I would've stopped my mum from taking admission when I found out you're studying here. Moreover, you're the one who's staring at me like a creep."

"I wasn't staring at you. I was observing you." He said with confidence in his voice.

"Stare at others and you'll receive a few slaps on your face."

"If I stare at others like this, they will be happy that I stared at them" He said with his same goddamn self centered arrogant attitude.

"Well, then stare at them. Why the hell are you staring at me instead."

I turned my head towards the books and started reading the chapter we were on. I was reading a certain page when my book was taken.

"Hey, give my book back." I said, while trying to take my book back from Yuri.

He wasn't giving my book, everytime I tried to take it, he started keeping the book away from my hands.

I was trying and trying to take it and he extended his hand to the back of his hand, I tried to take it, and I didn't succeed, he was laughing, from the book my eyes turned towards his eyes. That's when we both noticed something, we both were so close to each other.

My body was just an inch away from his and our faces were a few centimeters away from each other. We both were so close to each other that his breath was touching my skin. We looked into each other's eyes.

I quickly went away from him and sat on my seat, keeping my head down. It was awkward. Both of us were feeling awkward. I was looking at the desk, it seemed quite interesting. He kept my book on my desk.

"You book. Sorry, for taking it back." He said while keeping my book on desk and went out of the classroom.

There were two things that striked my mind now. One, the situation earlier was really awkward and the hell is my heart beating like that? Second, did the arrogant self centered, apologised?

It was all strange. Our next class began and the awkwardness was still there between us. We both ignore each other. The school was completed and I went home, ate some snacks and went to the academy for my ice skating practice.

As I expected he was present at the academy. He was talking to the guy whom sir changed places earlier in school. Mr. Yakov came and we started our practice. After the practice was finished, I went inside the girl's changing room and I overheard a conversation between two girls.

Girl-1: Don't you think it's strange?

Girl-2: Yeah, I never saw him talking to any girl like that. He usually acts coldly towards us.

Girl-1: Yeah, I tried really hard to talk but he talks really arrogantly.

I realised who they were, they were the girls from our class, and I guess they were talking about Yuri. Well, he's the most arrogant person I ever met.

Girl-2: But he doesn't seem to talk to her like that. He was talking to her so freely like he talks to Otabek.

Wait, a minute Otabek was his friend right, the guy I mentioned earlier. So, why do Yuri act strange to me, in their case it's normal but it's weird and strange at the same time for me.

Girl-1: I really wanted to slap her today, that new girl was so close to Yuri, and you saw how red his face was when he was heading out?

Girl-2: yeah, I noticed that too.

Wait, was his face red? Of course it would've been, I mean those girls are the ones who stalk him, his non-official spies, who notice every activity and step of his.

I didn't wanna listen to it anymore, they were planning on taking revenge on me and seriously she wanna punch me, let her try, I'll make sure to let her know how a punch tastes.

As soon as I entered the room, they stopped talking and started staring at me, more like giving death glare to me. I didn't think much of it and acted like they weren't there. I got changed and went out of the room, taking my bag.

I came out of the academy, keeping my head down and thinking why would Yuri act differently to me and why was his face red? I was keen into my thoughts, and didn't notice who was in front of me until I bumped into that guy and fell on the ground.

"Why the hell, I bump into people. Ouch" I said, wincing in pain and rubbing my back, my butt hurts.

"That's because you don't use your eyes." I heard the same arrogant voice. I looked up and saw Yuri, staring at me.

Otabek was beside him too. He quickly gave his hand and helped me get up. I stood up, wincing in pain.

"Why do you always pick one me?" I said looking at Yuri.

"Why do you always bump into me?"

"It wasn't intentional though, it's a coincidence."

"Bumping into the same person, once or twice is a coincidence, it's three times you bumped into me. How can I believe your words? " He said, raising his eyebrows.

I didn't have any answer but Otabek saved me from that.

"Stop it Yuri, I'm sorry, he's got a foul mouth. Are you okkay?" He said turning towards me.

"Yeah, I'm fine, thank you for helping me."

"I'm Otabek by the way." He said, extending his hand for a handshake.

"Cordina." I said, giving a handshake.

"I know, it's nice officially meeting you Cordina."

"Nice meeting you too."

"If you guys are done with your chit chat, let's go. Victor will scream again." He said coldly.

"Cordian, how will you go?" Otabek said with a concerned voice.

"I'll book a cab."

"Do it, We'll wait till it arrives."

"What?" Yuri said with a doubtful look.

"It's fine, I can go."

"Just book a cab, we don't have any work after this though."

I booked a cab, and they both waited with me till the cab arrived. Unlike Yuri, Otabek is kind and caring. He's quite the opposite to Yuri. How the hell they both became friends?

"Where are you guys headed? I can drop you guys."

"It's fine. We are going to have something to eat. Wanna join?"

"Thank you for the offer, but no thanks. Mum must be waiting for me. I've to go."
